Andy Imagine

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"Andy you can't protect her forever. As much as we want to, we just can't," I said as I placed my hand delicately on the back of his shoulder. I gently rubbed my hand back and forth on the soft clothed shirt trying to comfort him as he stood with his negative thoughts about tonight.

He sighed as he watched through the window, his little girl getting into the car with her new boyfriend. He slowly backed away from the window watching intently, hoping she would get out of the car and run up the steps into his arms like she use to. "I know babe, but it's so hard. I was one of the first to ever hold her, tuck her in at night, sing her to sleep, scare the monsters in the closet away, play dress up, take her on tour, love her unconditionally and be the only man in her life. Now someone else is doing that with our little girl. The only difference is he will break her heart, unlike me."

I dragged my moping husband away from the window and to the couch and sat down next to him as I intertwined our fingers into one. I pondered for a minute or two before figuring out what to say and how to say it. "I know it's hard letting go but it is going to happen no matter what. She's sixteen and wants to date. Do you think my father was happy when I first brought you home? No, he really wasn't. But he got to know you and he learned to love you. He even gave you my hand in marriage. Who knows you might love her new boyfriend, or you might not. But we won't know unless you try and if you don't even try you know our daughter will never forgive you."

Andy sighed and placed his tired face into his hands and rubbed his temples. He realized I was right but didn't like the idea of it. He didn't like having to give his daughter up to anybody, no matter what. He looked around the dimmed living room, soon his eyes landing on the picture of our daughter in his arms the first day she was welcomed into this world. "I don't know. I just don't know." And with that he let go of my hand and headed up the stairs, leaving me alone.

"Where are you going," I questioned, turning my head around.


I rolled my eyes and decided to leave it at that, even though it was only seven o'clock. I figured I'd let him have some time to himself to sort everything out and get his thoughts in line.

Andy's POV

I know I shouldn't be upset over the situation but I am. That's my little girl and it's my job to protect her and make sure nothing in this world ever harms her. I don't trust her with anybody. Yeah, I might be over protective but that's my only daughter. But Y/N is right, I have to try. Who knows he might be a really nice kid who treats me child with respect? I decided to stop thinking about it and close my eyes trying to calm my thoughts.

*Couple Hours Later*

I felt the bed gradually dip down besides me causing me to stir from my slumber and jolt my eyes open. I rolled over to see my wife who seemed to have this upset look on her face. I looked at the time on the clock besides our bed and noticed that it read ten o'clock. "Why isn't she home yet?"

"Well that's the thing," Y/N said "She just called and she needs me to pick her up. I don't know all the details I just know she was crying and needs me as soon as possible."

I was now fully awake and fully alert and very worried about what could possibly be going on. "I knew it, I fucking knew it. What happened!"

"I don't know Andy, that's why I'm going to get her now, okay? Stop yelling at me," I scolded as I rushed to get my shoes on. "I gotta go."

"No I'm coming with you," I said. I threw the covers off me and raced out of my bed.

To Be Continued

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