84. Andy Imagine Part 4

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So @AngieBiersack1 requested this awesome idea and a bunch of people seconded it so that's the request I'm doing



* Andy's Pov *

"Set your stuff up babe. My home is your home. Well, it's now our home," I told her.

She looked up from her suitcase and smiled at me. Her eyes sparkled. Damn, she's beautiful. I admired her for a minute, unpacking her clothes and putting them away.

After a minute of gawking at her beauty I left the bedroom. I went down stairs into the kitchen to feed Crow.

"Come here Crow," I shouted.

When he heard me taking out his food he automatically came running. I chuckled. I put his food bowl down and he started to eat it like crazy, like he hadn't been fed in days. I gently stroked his head but then stopped when my cell phone started to ring.

I looked at the number.


I swiped right on my phone and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Andy," the person sighed, "We need to talk."

I instantly recognize the voice on the other line. Gerard.

"Why? I thought you hated me," I snapped.

"I do- I mean I don't. Just let me explain."

I thought about it for a minute. I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to hear him out. He is my girlfriends brother.

"Alright, I'll be there in ten minutes."

I hung up my phone and slipped it in my back pocket of my jean.

"Babe," I shouted up the stairs towards the bedroom.


"I'm going out for a bit. I have some errands to do. You'll be okay while I'm gone?"

"Yeah. Don't worry baby," she yelled down to me.

"Love you bye."

"Love you too."

I closed the door behind me and got in my car.

* Visiting Gerard *

I got out of my Ferrari and shut the door. I locked it shut and walked up the driveway. I knocked on the glass door. Within seconds, a tired and frustrated looking Gerard opened the door.

"Come in."

I walked through the door and took my combat boots off. He walked over to the couch and flopped down on it. Instead of sitting next to him, I sat down in the chair across from him.

"I know I've been a dick and here's the explanation," he started "Yn use to be in an abusive relationship. It was a long time ago. You're the first boyfriend she had after the incident. I didn't know the relationship was bad till I came home one day and saw her unconscious on the ground."

My blood was boiling. I was fuming, I was furious.

"I brought her to the hospital and when she woke up she explained everything."

By this point we were both trying not to cry.

"She said the relationship went sour. She got beat up, yelled at, pushed, hit, anything and everything. I don't how I didn't notice. I guess they always seemed so loving you would have never guessed. Now, I don't trust her with any guy. I never gave you a chance. But I realize I should. You guys have been together for a long time now. I can tell she really loves you. I guess, in some way you can understand why I'm so protective of her and don't like her in relationships."

I took in everything he was saying. I was speechless. The thought, of anyone harming even a hair on her body made me want to beat the shit out of them. She's so fragile and delicate, and now I know why. I wanted to find this guy and kill him.

"Who was her last boyfriend?"

He hesitated for a moment, not even making eye contact with me. His mouth moved but I couldn't hear what he was saying.

"Who," I questioned.

"Ronnie Radke," he whispered, barely audible.

I froze. My own best friend. Well former best friend. I was boiling now. I muttered a few profanities under my breath and ran out of the house. I got in my car and drove to mine and Yn's house.

* Back at Home *

I speed walked up the driveway and slammed the house door shut.

"Yn," I called out.

Nothing. This was unusual. The house was oddly quiet, her car is here, and Crow didn't come running to my feet like he normally does. I took my jacket off and threw it on the couch.

I trudged my way up the steps, into the second floor hallway.

"Yn," I called out again.

Still, there was no response.

I decided to check m- our bedroom. I slowly opened the door, causing it to creek. I walked in leaving the door slightly opened. I looked around the room and then my eyes landed on the bed. A pale, numb, and weak looking Yn was on the bed covered in tears and bruises. I rushed to her side and kneeled next to the bed.

"Baby are you okay," I panicked.

She didn't say anything she just blinked, a few more tears rolled down. I climbed into the bed on the other side and pulled her into me, giving her a cuddle. She curled into my side and cried. I didn't say anything I just rubbed small circles on her back.

After a few minutes, she looked up at me. Her bright eyes are now red and glossy from the tears.

"Who did this to you," I whispered. "Was it Ronnie?"

She looked up at me shocked. Before she could ask how I knew, I told her. "Your brother told me today."

She just nodded.

"I'm so sorry." I pecked her lips as pulled her in for another hug. I didn't let go this time, and neither did she.

My eyes trailed down her body. I saw bruise after bruises and red marks after another. How did Ronnie know she moved in with me and that I left for a little bit?

"Baby," I said "I'm so sorry I wasn't there you. But I promise I will be there for you, no matter. I will always protect you and that's a fact. I wish you told me about your past...I love you. And I always will. You're my life and I need you. I won't let anyone hurt you baby girl...Will you marry me?"

She looked up at me with wide eyes. I prepared for the worst but hoped for the best. I could hear my heart beating.


I looked at her and smiled, she mirrored my actions. She jumped onto me and kissed me. I kissed her long and hard. ( A/N HOLY CRAP THAT SOUNDS WRONG OH WELL)

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Okay guys hope u liked it It took four parts to finish

So here is the important news. Okay so my school is going on a school trip for a few days. I'm leaving tomorrow and coming back Friday night. YEAH IM GETTING UP AT FIVE AM AND HAVE TO BE AT THE SCHOOL AT SIX AM FML. Anyway I probably won't update till Saturday sadly. The bus ride is six hours kms, and I'll be with bitches and douche bags. For the trip we stay in a hotel and they have wifi but idk if I'll have time to update. WE HAVE TO GET UP EVERYDAY AT LIKE 6 AM OMG. Anyways yeah the point of this is that I probably won't update till Saturday. I'm sorry

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