Andy Imagine

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So in this imagine you and Andy are in college

Your POV

It was around 2 a.m and my roommate and I were currently watching a movie on Netflix. It was a rainy and nasty night out so we figured we'd stay in for the night instead of going to any parties across campus. My boyfriend Andy was back at his dorm room with his roommate doing God knows what. Him and a bunch of his friends are probably either watching football or playing video games, like usual.

"Pause the movie real quick, I wanna grab a sweatshirt from the closet," I told my roommate. I threw the millions of blankets off my shivering body and shuffled my way to my closet. I flicked my phone flashlight on in search of Andy's sweatshirt. It was my favorite one, it smelled just like him and made me feel like he was here with me. Unfortunately, Andy doesn't live in the same residence hall as me, he lives in one of the residence halls basically on the other side of the campus.

I shuffled through the many clothes hanging in my ridiculously small closet until I came across the one I desired. I took it off the hanger and went to put it on but I was greeted by something terrifying.

"AHHH," I screamed loudly, probably alarming the dorm advisor if she was near. I went to put on Andy's sweatshirt but when I did, a huge, ugly, hairy spider came darting out of it. I threw the sweatshirt on the floor and instantly ran to my bed for safety.

This startled my roommate causing her to scream as well, "WHAT! What the hell happened!"

"There's a spider! It was in Andy's sweatshirt. I don't know where it went and I'm not going to find out!"

"I'm not going to sleep until that thing is killed, go kill it," my roommate said, putting blankets over herself as a shield from the creepy insect.

"Me?! Fuck no, I'm not going anywhere near that. What if it's one of those ones that bite? Oh my god!" I squealed and fake cried at the thought of a spider in my room, and in Andy's sweatshirt.

I grabbed my phone and called Andy. It took a couple of rings but finally he answered.

"What's wrong babe," he yawned. He must've been sleeping, which made me feel somewhat guilty but then I remembered the spider and the guilt washed away.

"There's a big ass spider in the room," I said, peering around seeing if I could find it on the floor or wall.

"So kill it," Andy said bluntly. He was so tired and I could tell he really didn't want to be having this conversation right now.

"Me? Are you crazy? You're the one in the relationship that kills the spiders," I exclaimed to him.

I could hear him sigh on the other side of the phone, I'm sure I woke him up and I'm sure as hell he doesn't want to be dealing with this right now. "Tell Y/R/N (Your roommates name) to kill it."

"She won't kill it either! Please Andy, you know how much they freak me out. I promise I'll make it up to you in the morning if you come and kill the spider. Please baby?"

I heard shuffling on the other side of my phone and another loud sigh. "You're so lucky I love you and know how much spiders scare the both of you. I'm leaving my dorm now I'll be there in a few."

"Oh my god Andy thank you so much! I love you I promise I'll make this up!"

He didn't bother to respond and just hung up. "Okay so Andy's coming thankfully," I told my roommate in relief and shuffled my way under blankets.

Eventually we heard a very lazy knock at the door and it slowly creeping open illuminating the light from the hallway.

"Okay so where is it," Andy yawned while rubbing his eyes.

"Last I saw it, it was on the floor by your sweatshirt," I told Andy pointing at the floor towards his sweatshirt.

"Okay I'll grab a sho- Wait a minute my sweatshirt? Y/N what the hell, what if it like laid little spider babies in there? I'm not taking that back you can keep it!"

"Oh my god just shut up and kill it, I'm tired," my roommate exclaimed.

"How do you think I feel waking up and walking across half the campus just to kill a freaking spider?"

Andy made his point very clear and we decided to keep our mouths shut and be grateful.

Andy kicked the sweatshirt around a couple of times seeing if it would creepily crawl out and expose itself so Andy could squash it with a shoe. After a couple of tries it finally came darting out and Andy was able to kill it with one smack.

I hopped out of my bed and gave Andy this biggest thank you kiss possible.

"Thank you," we said in unison.

"Yeah, yeah, that's me, boyfriend of the year," Andy said sarcastically.

"Well you can sleep here so you don't have to walk all the way back to your dorm."

"Good, because I wasn't walking back either way."

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