The Story of Cindy Potter

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A/N: This is a story I wrote in fifth grade that I'm really proud of. I decided to post it here. It's a mix of Cinderella and Harry Potter

I lay on my bed looking at the dirty ceiling. Then I look at my clothes. All ripped and stained. I thought about how my life was like before, like I do every morning. I thought about how mom got married to my very rich stepfather after my dad died, and then how my stepfather was found dead the next day. After that, life was a disaster. No one was on my side anymore. My stepsisters and my mom treated me like dirt, turned me into a maid and made me sleep in the tiny attic. The only things I have for comfort are singing and all the animals. Then a squeal interrupted my thoughts. "Cindy Johnson, get up you lazy bum," my mother yelled when she entered my bedroom, "Now start making us beautiful dresses."

"Why do I have to make you and my stepsisters beautiful dresses?" I asked in a thick voice.

"Because Prince Edward is having a ball next week and all of us are going," my mother answered. I imagined myself in a beautiful blue dress dancing with Prince Edward. Just the thought that it could happen made me smile. "I mean all of us except you. You're just the maid. Prince Edward wants to find his wife at the ball and if you did go he wouldn't want to marry you. If Prince Edward marries Anastasia or Beatrice everything would be just perfect. We would live in the castle and have beautiful clothes. Don't worry you'll be there too. As our maid," Mom said. I swore I could have heard her laugh as she exiting my room. I wanted to go to the ball. I wanted to go out and have some fun for once. I was going to that ball no matter what it takes.

After taking a shower and feeding the chickens, I went to my room so I could think of a plan on how to go to the ball without mother knowing. Then a light bulb went off. I could make my own dress for the ball and after they left I could walk to the castle since it wasn't that far. I whistled a tune so all the animals could come and help with the dress. "Tum tum tum tuum" I whistled. All the animals came. Animals from everywhere came. Badgers, worms, ants, rats, butterflies, cats and many other animals came. They all huddled around me so I could tell them my plan. "Hey guys," I said in a soft voice, "Can you help me make a dress for the ball next week? All I need is some fabric so I can start my dress." Immediately all the animals went to work. The silkworms made some silk, the birds went to get some fabric, the rats went to go get buttons and zippers, and even some of the animals that had fur shaved so that I could use the fur for the dress. I had already made my mother and stepsisters very simple dresses that a ten year old could make. If I was going to the ball I wanted to look better than them. When I got all the fabric that I needed, I used a needle from a porcupine and some thread I had used for my mother's dress and started to make a beautiful blue dress.

After a few hours, my dress was finished. It was so beautiful that I wanted to get married in it. Then I heard footsteps going up the stairs. "Cindy, oh Cindy, where are you, silly little girl?" I heard my mother say while she was going up the stairs. I started breathing in and out heavily. I put my dress under my mattress and prayed my mom wouldn't see it. I grabbed the nearest book I could find, lied down on my bed and pretended that I was reading this whole time. "There you are, Cindy. What are you doing lying down on your bed? Have you finished our dresses?" My mom said when she entered my room.

"I had a headache so I was lying down. I did finish all of your dresses. Let me go show you the dresses." I said. I went and got the dresses for my mom and stepsisters from the drawer. I was about to show her the dresses when she tapped me on the shoulder.

"Cindy. What is this?" my mom said in a stern voice. She was holding up my dress that I had made for the ball.

"That's your backup dress for the ball," I said hoping she would believe me.

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