The Cases of '16 - Story Idea

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So this story would/will be a mystery story so it's not really going to about ships and stuff (sorry!). The story will follow Riley and her friends as they try to figure out what is happening in Greenwich Village.

A few of their beloved friends have disappeared and they have to figure out where they were and who took them. What was supposed to be a couple missing people cases turns into much more.

Sample of story
My friends and I were gathered around the television watching the news. I know it sounds kind of dumb but it was really interesting. There was a robbery at a 7-11 very close to us. The robber stole a Slurpee, some chips, a few metres of rope, duct tape and 5 packs of batteries. The person was caught on surveillance camera but no one could identify them, not even the person at the cash register.

"Imagine if the robber was someone we knew," Maya said.

"I doubt it," Farkle replied. "No one we know would rob a 7-11. They'd at least somewhere nicer like Walmart."

"True," Lucas stated.

"What do you think they're going to do with the items they bought?" I asked.

"I dunno," Maya answered. "Probably a science experiment."

"What science experiment would require those items?" Farkle replied.

"Probably a really weird one," Lucas theorized.

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