Stuck In Love.

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R I L E Y     P O V

"Riley, come on," my best friend Maya said. "It'll be fun."

"I don't want to," I said. "It's just a high school reunion. Also I'm really jet lagged from the premiere."

"Oh come on Riles," Maya said. "Don't use the 'I'm tired from being famous excuse.' It won't work. Also I promised Farkle that you'd be there."

"Fine," I said. "And when do I ever use the 'I'm tired from being famous excuse.'"

"Don't get me started," Maya laughed. We walked out of the house and into the car. Abigail Adams High, here we come!

Once we got to my former high school, we saw Farkle there with his wife, Smackle.

"Hey guys," Farkle said. "I can't believe it's been 10 years since we graduated high school."

"It seems like it was just yesterday," Maya said.

"Riley I watched your new movie," Smackle said. "It was really good."

"Thank you," I said. I don't really like talking about my movies. I saw a guy who looked familiar across the room. He had short blonde hair and he was wearing a blue suit. He was with a girl who had long blonde hair pulled up into a bun and wearing a white dress.

"Lucas!" Farkle said. The guy with the short blonde hair turned around. No wonder he looked familiar. The girl he was with followed him. Who was she? Is she his girlfriend? His wife? Lucas was standing next to me.

"Hey guys," Lucas said. "This is my fiancee Chloe."

"Hi," she said. "I've heard a lot about you." I just stood there awkwardly. Everyone was talking about memories from high school and middle school. I laughed when appropriate but didn't say anything. I couldn't help but stare at Lucas. Staring at his laugh. The way his eyes twinkle when he smiles. Why can't I stop looking at him?

I stared at Chloe. He had his arm around her. I had this weird feeling about her. It was something weird. It was something bad. 

It was jealousy.

Maya pulled me aside from the group.

"Hey Riles," Maya said. "Are you okay? You're face is red." I realise I've been blushing this whole time.

"I'm fine," I lied. "I just have to go to the bathroom."

"I'll come with you," Maya said reassuredly. "To make sure you don't ditch me." I nodded and went to the bathroom. Thankfully there was no one there. I went into the stall and just sat on the toilet with the seat closed. I didn't actually have to go to the bathroom. I just thought about Lucas. I thought about our dates and how he won me a giant teddy bear on our third date. I thought about the day I left to Los Angeles and the look on his face. I thought about the day we broke up because we couldn't handle being in a long distance relationship. All these thoughts and memories kept piling up in my head and I just couldn't take it anymore. I started to cry. I still had feelings for him.

 I still loved him.

"Riles," Maya said. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I lied. i hated lying to Maya but I didn't want her to know that I was having an emotional breakdown over my high school sweetheart.

"Riley, you may be an award winning actress but you can't fool me," Maya said. "Tell me what's wrong."

I tried to speak through my tears. "Lucas," I said quietly. Just saying his name made me cry even more.

"Riley Matthews, the girl who has dated rockstars, actors who makes millions and even male models is still hung up over her high school love," Maya said trying to encourage me. I opened the stall and sat on the counter next to the sink.

"I-i don't know why I still have feelings for him," I said trying not to cry. "It's just that our relationship felt real and nothing compares to us. Every other relationship I've had feels fake and with him it felt real. He moved on and I'm stuck."

A/N: THANKY YOU FOR 430 READS!!!! I'm just going to update whenever I feel like it. I have a lot of one shot ideas. Vote this part if you want me to update more.

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