Louisfantasies: I'm 24 if it bugs you
itsharrybruh: cool I'm 22
Louisfantasies: I know
Itsharrybruh: Is your name Louis?
Louisfantasies: nooo... Its Siuol
itsharrybruh: that's interesting.
Louisfantasies: can you not depict sarcasm through texts
louisfantasies: I mean, you do text like a teenage
louisfantasies: shouldn't that come natural with all that
itsharrybruh: no typically people who use sarcasm point out the fact its sarcasm
louisfantasies: I wouldn't know
itsharrybruh: you're kind of mean
louisfantasies: I know bruh
Bruh: The Original Version (A Larry Text Story)
FanfictionNew DM from @itsharrybruh itsharrybruh: Hello there louisfantasies: hello "Bruh" itsharrybruh: f4f? louisfantasies: sure ***** Or the one where Harry finds Louis' account while on social media and deems him worthy enough to message.