I suck at writing :(



"Haz?" Louis said, from where he was currently cuddled into Harry's side on their bed.

"Hm?" Harry answered, his voice causing his chest to vibrate, and Louis felt it because his head was on Harry's chest.

"Let's go to the movies," Louis replied. Harry opened one eye to look at him.

"Okay, what we will see?" Harry asked, smirking a tad because he thought Louis hadn't an idea of what was in theaters. Neither did Harry if he was honest.

"Finding Dory?" Louis offered.

"That's out?!" Harry nearly yelled. Louis smiled and nodded. "Well let's go then!"

Harry practically threw Louis off of him to get up.

Louis glared at him slightly and let,"Bruh," tumble out of his mouth.

Bruh: The Original Version (A Larry Text Story)Where stories live. Discover now