itsharrybruh: Buddy the elf, what's your favourite color 

louisfantasies: red 

louisfantasies: and you just did not quote elf

itsharrybruh: mines orange 

itsharrybruh: and yes, i just did

louisfantasies: what is your middle and last name

louisfantasies: i need to run a background check on you 

itsharrybruh: *gulps* 

louisfantasies: mine full name is Louis William Tomlinson

itsharrybruh: Harry Edward Styles 

louisfantasies: So that's Harry Edward Styles, age 22, birthdate 1.2.1994 (I DID MATH TO FIGURE THAT OUT) 

itsharrybruh: don't you need like height and such to run a background check? 

louisfantasies: ONE STEP AT A TIME 

itsharrybruh: just so you know, i'm 5'11 my eyes are green and i have brown hair 

louisfantasies: background check in progress

itsharrybruh: bruh

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