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Hey hey!

I keep getting bit by mosquitos :(

I think I'm about to just spill everything about me.

Or at least my Instagram.. Idk. Ignore me.. I'm weird.

What is wrong with this world?


After the group had finished their meal and had left a twenty dollar tip for Olly after cleaning the table to the best of their abilities, they headed to the pool.

It was a quiet and quaint little pool that hardly anybody knew about, so it was always a good place to swim.

Niall and Liam followed in their own separate cars behinds Harry and Louis.

"How do you like Niall?" Harry asked Louis.

"He's alright," Louis laughed. "Quite hilarious might I add."

"Yeah, Liam isn't too bad  either, not much of a talker though," Harry noted.

"Yeah," Louis drawled out. "You did remember to grab our shorts right?"

Harry's eyes widened as he said,"I think I did. Is there a bag anyways in the back seats?"

"Yeah I see right there. Lemme check it real quick," Louis said, reaching back his arm to grab the white plastic sack.

He opened it and seen their shorts and nodded.

"Yep, they're right here," Louis confirmed.

"Good, cause we're here," Harry said, turning into the lot.

"I haven't swam in a long while," Louis said. Harry smiled and got out of the car, and waited for Louis to grab his stuff and their shorts and then locked the doors.

They waited for Niall and Liam to meet with them before they headed to the doors.

Niall and Liam stayed a few feet back, watching Louis and Harry's actions.

Louis and Harry's hands were entwined, and Louis was barely resting his head on Harry's shoulder.

As soon as Louis' head had touched Harry's shoulder, Harry released their fingers and wrapped an arm around Louis, pressing a simple kiss to his head.

Liam and Niall looked at each other and smiled, knowing they both were thinking the same things.

Louis and Harry were perfect together.

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