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The couple was walking down the street together in London, in which they were visiting. The slightly smaller lad was recording with a camera, or as some would call vlogging. They, more like just one, were popular on YouTube. Their names are Joey Graceffa and Daniel Preda, also known as Janiel. 

"Hello everyone and welcome to todays video. Right now I'm in London for a week, one just to visit and two, I have a book signing. I am joined by Mr. Danny boy, say hi Daniel," Joey said. 

"Hi," Daniel smiled. 

"So, right now we're walking down a street in London, I don't know the name honestly, and it's a nice day out. Surprisingly sunny for cliches of England," Joey told the camera, getting few odd looks for talking to a camera. 

Joey heard some screaming and laughing before Daniel started laughing too. 

"What?" Joey asked. 

"Look at them over there," Daniel said and pointed. Joey looked and laughed when he saw the two males, a smaller lad beating against the taller lad's back, begging to be put down. Joey flipped the camera around so it was pointed towards the couple. 

"What are they doing?" Joey chuckled. Finally the shorter lad was allowed off of the taller's shoulders and they stopped walking. Joey and Daniel were now close enough to where they could here was the two were saying. 

The taller lad placed his forehead onto the smaller's and whispered, "I love you." 

"I love you too," the shorter male whispered back after placing his hand on the other lad's cheek. 

"Are they gonna kiss?" Daniel whisper-asked Joey. 

"Mm, I think so," Joey said back. 

"Haha yes," Daniel cheered quietly when the two began to kiss.

Joey flipped the camera back around to face him and told the camera, "We're gonna go meet them now. I'm turning the camera off for now but I'll pick up recording later." 

And with that, Joey turned off the camera and he and Daniel made their way over to the two lads, who still haven't stopped their kiss. 




i'm calm. 

Hope you all enjoyed :* 


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