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Harry sighed as he looked at Louis' sleeping form laying on their hotel mattress.

He had to get ready for his first day visiting the other building.

Harry grabbed his work clothes from his suit case and made his way into the bathroom, where he took a quick shower.

By the time he was done getting dressed and stuff, Louis was up.

He looked at Harry quickly before turning back to the television, and then looked at Harry again, before getting up.

Harry grabbed Louis' face when he got in reach and pressed their lips together.

"Go explore Paris or something while I'm gone. Nothing cheesy or romantic, save that for when we're together," Harry told him. Louis smiled and nodded.

"Alright, I have to head out, stay safe," Harry instructed.

"You too," Louis replied.

"I love you," Harry said, kissing Louis again.

"I love you too."

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