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itsharrybruh: stay away from hot French men

louisfantasies: get back to work

itsharrybruh: I'm literally sitting in a booth

itsharrybruh: just watching people

louisfantasies: that's pretty creepy

itsharrybruh: I know

itsharrybruh: I feel awkward

louisfantasies: but I'll stay away from the hot French men

louisfantasies: but do I have to stay away from the ugly French men?

itsharrybruh: yes

louisfantasies: but then I'll talk to the hot French women

itsharrybruh: you're gay

louisfantasies: why must you ruin my fun

itsharrybruh: because I love you

louisfantasies: Bruh

louisfantasies: But for the record I love you too

Bruh: The Original Version (A Larry Text Story)Where stories live. Discover now