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itsharrybruh: if i do like you than so what?

louisfantasies: idk you shouldn't fall in love with people on the internet

louisfantasies: it's not safe

itsharrybruh: i never said i liked you

louisfantasies: i didn't say you like me either 

louisfantasies: i just said you shouldn't 

louisfantasies: i've done it before

itsharrybruh: okay 

louisfantasies: it didn't end well 

louisfantasies: i'll tell you the story if you want 

itsharrybruh: tell me when you're ready 

louisfantasies: okay give me a week 


What do you think happened? It obviously wasn't good. 

Love you all. :* 

Gracie >.< 


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