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*louis and harry took a trip to Doncaster and are visiting Louis' family*

Harry stayed in the living room of the Deakin household while Louis went into the kitchen with his mother to get tea and snacks.

After Louis broke down sobbing from being home sick, surprisingly, Harry told him they could go visit his family on the upcoming weekend.

Louis' agreement was in the form of a grateful kiss and a strong hug.

So, few hours later they packed and loaded into Louis' car (for once) and then made the trip north.

Louis almost forgot the address, so Harry was driving around in circles until Louis finally remembered.

Harry was surprised at the size of the house. But Louis told him it was because Dan was a doctor and Jay was a nurse.

After they finally got there, Jay made Lottie take them to the only empty guest room.

When Doris and Earnest turned old enough to stop sharing a room, then the guest room will be Earnest's room.

They lugged their luggage up the seemingly never endless amount of stairs.

When they got settled, they laced their fingers together and went down to the living room.

Practically Louis' whole family was in there as well.

They mostly hung out together, and watched a couple of soccer matches, and whilst Jay made lunch, she made Harry sit with her in the kitchen.

He didn't argue against her of

"I hope you treating my son well," she commented.

"Like a prince," Harry smiled and Jay smiled and nodded.

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