Happy Fourth of July fellow Americans! Frankly I hate America but I like fireworks so..

I found this on Instagram, and it's hilarious so...

I died laughing and I showed my friend this and she started dying too

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I died laughing and I showed my friend this and she started dying too.

Speaking of.. Someone rescue me THIS CHICK IS CRAZY!!


Harry waited for Louis to get home before he decided to bring up the news of the well, news.

Harry wasn't sure how Louis would react. He hoped Louis would be ecstatic.

Harry checked the time. It's was about ten minutes before Louis was due home.

Harry checked the time and decided it was okay to start a late lunch.

He was just gonna make a salad for the both of them.

He got out the lettuce mixture packages that come with red cabbage and carrots, grape tomatoes, cheese, bacon bits, Tyson grilled chicken slices, croutons and ranch.

He mixed all of the ingredients together in a large bowls and then made two bowls, sticking a fork in each one.

At that moment, the front door opened and then Harry heard footsteps.

Louis walked in and frowned when he didn't see Harry sitting on the couch as per usual on Wednesdays. That and Sunday were the only days Harry had off.

"H?" Louis called, slipping off his shoes and setting his book bag down on the table.

"Kitchen!" Harry called back.,

Louis smiled and walked into the room where Harry was.

"Hey babe," Harry said.

"Hi," Louis said shyly, taking notice of the dishes on the table. "What's this?"

"Lunch. It's just a salad, nothing too special," Harry answered.

"Thank you," Louis said, and sat down in the seat beside Harry, grabbing the bowl in front of him and the ranch Harry held out.

"Hey," Harry whispered, making Louis look at him.

"What?" Louis asked. Harry didn't respond, he just kissed him. Louis was startled but nonetheless kissed back. When they pulled away, Louis was left dazed. "What was that for?"

"To welcome you home," Harry replied cheekily, taking a large bite of salad, trying to get every element into that one bite.

"Thanks you smelly giraffe," Louis giggled.

"I don't stink," Harry frowned.

Louis nodded. "You don't, but even if you did if love you anyways. Stink or no stink."

Harry kissed Louis again.

Bruh: The Original Version (A Larry Text Story)Where stories live. Discover now