Found Dead

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To my surprise, Rob and I had quiet a decent conversation during our ride, as we talked about Dane and his childhood. Dane lived with his parents and his younger sister, Maisie. 

Rod dropped me off to my home when I detected that the  lights were on inside...That can only mean one thing...My parents are at home! I gulped down the lump forming in my throat as I gave a worried 'Thank you' and scurried my way up the porch and caught site of the door. It was left open, which came as a shock because my parents took safety seriously, even if they weren't safe when they were in the process of maing me. 

Gingerly, I stepped inside, trying to make no sound at all. I froze. In front of me was my dad drunk in alcohol and my mum lying on the couch. The whole house was in a state of mess, lamps broken, tv smashed, tables turner over. I scuttled to where my mum was and that was when I caught my dad's attention. When I took a closer look at her peaceful face, there were bruises all around her neck and a pillow was fallen on the floor. I stopped dead on my my eyes grew wide and realised she wasn't breathing.  

"She is dead." My dad implied and I nodded my head from side to side in disavow. This was not happening, my dad had killed my mum. Yes my mum tortered me equally as my dad but she is at the end of the day-my mum. She always tried to save my reputation by not allowing me to go to peoples home and be there maid for a day. My dad and my mum had quite a few tifts between the same manner as my dad, Andrew always supported the idea of me being a slave. 

Sharply, I stormed towards my dad, my breathing getting heavier. How could he do such a deed? Yes I know my dad was violent but never could he kill anyone...Well I was wrong!

"Why the fu** did you kill her!?!" I growled, anger radiating my body, as it tensed up.

"Cos she was fu**ing annoying and she didn't deserve to live!" He yelled as he poured himself another glass of alcohol.

"You are just drunk, after someone puts some sense in that idiotic mind, you will realise what you've done!" I replied as I caressed my mum's hair. My eyes became blurry and few tears rolled down my face.

"How dare YOU speak like that, you fu**ing idiot, I am your dad and not the other way round!" He scoffed as he stressed on the word 'you'.

"Atleast I have more common sense then you do, you can go on a killing spree and you won't care a bit!" I snapped at him. "I am gonna call the police...". This when I felt a blow in the head and then I didnt remember anything.


Warily, I woke up only to realise, I was in my room, on my bed and then I got hit by a flashback, recalling the moment of finding my mum mum was...dead. Hastily, I got up from the bed and galopped down the stairs only to register that there was no one on the couch, nothing scattered around the place. Even the lamps were set right on the place. For a moment, I felt that it was only an nightmare but then realised that was an empty space where once the TV was and the cushion was still fallen on the floor next the the couch.

Where did dad go?

What did dad to the body?

How did dad set everything to its original place?

For all those questions, I need to find dad, therefore I rambled to the door when I jounced on someone and yes he sure was angry....

End of this chapter! Her mum died, yeah sad, don't hate and plsssss vote and comment! thx!

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