Its Perfect!

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The bell rung, and I sat up from the stool and started packing all my items. I was the very slow one in packing. You see I try to be perfect, perfectly parked stool, perfectly tidy bench! Well that is me! Startilingly, I wasn't the only who was slow, it was James. He was busy staring at my attempt to put all my belonging in my bag. I menatally smacked myself of how stupid I looked but to tell you, that folder wasn't getting into the bag! 

"Why are you still here?"I asked as I successfully plomped the folder in and zipped my bag.

"Cara, are you for real, you are my girlfriend, we need to start now, jeez, girls these days," he mocked. I gave him an unearthly smile as I unzipped my bag with ease and grabbed the folder and started bashing it against him. 

"AHHH I am sorry, ahaha, sorry," he replied at my sudden ourburst. 

"Never mess with a girl," I mentally high five myself for such a grand speech. I wanted to make my exit grand too but then I realised that I had to put the folder (which I had put in my bag with so much effort) once again in my bag. Yay life (not). 

"Need help, you know I have two hands too?" he asked and I gave quick nod of denial as I pushed the folder in my bag and closed the zip.

"Done?" he testified.


As I was just about to leave the classroom, James grabed my hand and pulled me into his chest. My back touched his chest and it sent a weird emotion in me. I turned around to face him as he let go of my hand and pulls my waist into his arms. 

"That's more like it, now we look like a couple," he smirks and with that we walk outside nearing our way to the lockers. I definately got a few scowling glance at me but I honestly didn't care. I in his arms. Making someone jealous isn't that bad after all! 

We parted ways to our next classroom. My ideas wondered into the thoughts of Dane's face when he finds out about us two. I couldn't wait to tell Ellie and Amy! Oh they would be proud! 


"WHAT! JAMES IS YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Ellie exclaimed, trying to read her faces expression. I t was unreadable clearly because one moment she would jump up and down and the second her smile would turn into a frown.

"What's wrong El, did I do anything wrong?" I interrupted.

"Well, Cara what if he doesn't care about you know, the whole 'you have a boyfriend thing'?" she replied and I pondered on what she said. I had never thought up the other side but deep down I know that Dane liked me. Maybe, he didn't want to be in a relationship with Naomi, maybe...just maybe.

"El, I really doubt that this plan won't work, it will work, think positive" Amy added.

"Yes it will, I will do my best for it to work!" I opined "You are the best friends anyone can ever have, I love you both so much!"

We did our little group hug and headed out when we bumped into someone. My eyes caught the attention of a boy with brown whisky hair-James. I blushed at his sight, remembering our little cute hug and the way he pulled me into was touching. 

"Oh sorry didn't see you there!" I notified. *awkward silence* "Anyways we better be goi..." 

Just as I was about to speak Ellie interuppted me as I followed her gaze. 

"UGH! What is Chloe doing with Jordan!!!!" she fumed and I laughed at her anger.

"OOOOO someones jealous," James retorted. 

Ellie gave him a scowling face and went back to staring at the two couple making out on the canteen seats. 

"Get a room!" someone yelled and my eyes followed to their gaze. 

Naomi holding hands with Dane walking towards the couple. Mackenzie and her new found boyfriend following behind with Chloe and Zoe. My heart sank a little when I glanced at Dane as he smirked at the comment Naomi had made. They looked like a match made in heaven. What was I even thinking, how could I ever be with him! Reality kicked in and I gazed at James. He was fuming with jealousy. I didn't what happened next but I put my arms into his and gave him a hug. I was hurt too and I needed his loving warmth. His body tensed up but then relaxed and I felt two arms crossing my back. 

"You like Dane, don't you?" James asked still in the hug.

I nod in agreement and he broke away from me. I yearned for his magical touch and once again I felt lost, alone. At the corner of my eyes, I felt as if someone was staring at me. Hard. I turned around and from a distance I saw a loured Dane looking at me with full attention on me and then James and back to me. I eternely felt so happy, he was getting jealous. With my eyes glaring at him, I suddenly held James hands trying to prove we were a couple. Suprisingly, he complied with the touch and I instantly looked at Naomi. Her face wasn't a scowling face, but the kinda hurt face. She was sad and I could tell by her eyes. My motive was to make Dane jealous and yes it has started working already. 

"I better go now honey!" I claimed loudly so that the two can hear. He gave me a half smile and I gave a quick peck on his cheek and motioned the words S-O-R-R-Y to him before leaving. He chuckled and with that I left with one jealous Ellie and a laughing Amy. 

Oh it was perfect 

Yesssss I know its a short chapter! Sorry! I shall be updating more frequently and sorry for the wait! Pls vote and comment! Thx!

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