You Mean Me?

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Oh no Mackenzie
Mackenzie was the last person I wanted to see today! My flirtatious pretence was over as I saw her incandescent rage in her eyes. This was one thing I was not looking for. Not that I was scared or anything but it was mainly bringing more attention to myself which I least wanted. Fearing this very thing, I grabbed the bag from Dane's hands leaving his luminous touch. As I turned around to greet Ellie's and Amy's frightened face, I give them a knowing nod for us to leave when I heard the loudest most eerie voice.
" Where do you think you are going you idiot, look at yourself, ugh so ugly. Jeez did u put the whole of baby powder on your face!" She grunted and snorted at her knowing explanation.
" Says the one who bashes on the worlds makeup!" I answered as I turn around and fold my arm, twitching an eyebrow up.
" Oh shut up and stay away from my boyfriend, you definitely don't deserve him!" she reposted at my remark and sashays her hair and walks away with her two besties- Chloe and Zoe. Mackenzie definitely reminds me of Moody Margaret.
"Sorry for that, she is total bollox, please don't pay any attention!" He mumbled
" It is fine, I better get to class, sorry again.." I muttered back
" hey, wait a second, what's your name?"
" Uh, Cara, Cara Summers, see you later Dane" I replied, earnestly.
His soft, kissable lips shaped the following words that drew me back quite affirm.
" Bye Summers, hope I'll see you around" he waved and smiled ohmygodhisdimples and hung his bag on his muscular shoulders.
I blushed at the sight of this and I once again turned around to finally meet eyes with my friends, and they winked, meaning only one thing. I had to get ready for more teasing. Yes I did have a crush on Dane but no one knew about it, not a sole but I know I made it too obvious this time.
I couldn't still quiet get it! Dane Shawn, the school boy just said we will see each other soon. Yes I am on cloud nine even though I have the unearthing feeling that Dane would definitely forget about our little meeting sooner or later. With that we carried on to our next class- ugh chemistry (great NOT)


I was in my little bubble of thoughts pondering the day's events. Replaying the part when Dane said my name. Oh I so hope that his words do truth justice because oh boy I couldn't wait to meet him again!

"So what's your plan Cara?" Ellie asked as I fidgeted with my bag strap

"Plan, plan for what?" I questioned as I struck a confused face at both of them.

"You seriously weren't paying any attention whatsoever were you, jeez are you going to Jordan's party, he claims he has invited the whole school over!" Amy says.

" I don't know, Jordan's parties are full speed with the usual drunk people, couples making out on the sofas and that kinda stuff and I am not sure..." I replied

" Well tough because Ellie is going too so you are as well and Dane is gonna be there too wink wink!" Taunts Amy as I gave her the I.Don't.Like.Him face and carried on fiddling with the strap.

"Uh I don't like him jeez guys!" I lied as I blushed recalling the sweet moment we had together. "And yes I'll come!"

"YAY" harmonised the two and we had our little friendship high fives. Now the only thing to do and the most important thing to do is hide that from my parents...

Sorry it's so short! I tried! Mind all the grammar and spelling mistakes, I didn't really have time to edit! Pls vote and comment! Thx!!!

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