Revenge is Sweet!

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When my dad turned at last to face me there was no trace of tears, not in his eyes or in track marks on his reddening face. His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. In that moment I knew he was already far away. Once more I was the enemy. These swings from most loved to most hated would be the end of me. His states had no greyscale, only the polar extremes existed. I drew in a deep breath, the burning hard stare would last only as long as it took him to think of the most brutally cutting thing he could tear me down with. And after that I could kiss anything breakable goodbye. Which right now might just be my nose, it was so hard to tell and so pointless to run.

I couldn't breath, it felt as if someone was choking me. My heart was racing and all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save me. But no one would, no one was there. A choked cry for help forced itself up my throat, and I felt a drop run down my cheek. It seemed as if this was the end of the road for me.

His temper was like TNT, once the sparks started to sizzle there was very little time to duck and cover. I knew I should just stay quiet and wait for the storm to abate, but I couldn't help sparring with him. Like trained boxers they circled one another, the kid gloves were off, it was fighting time. I traded slur for slur, insult for insult, dig for dig.

"Ok dad, I am gonna ask you one last time, why did you kill my mum!" I commanded.

"Nothing happened ok, nothing happened yesterday, your mum is missing, now you have to say that if anyone asks you got it?" he chided.

It was definately going to be easy for me, because all my friends don't dare to pick up the family topic but I was still shock in his response. Isn't he guilty for what he has done?

"NO, I am not gonna lie to anyone, and get that in your filthy mind!" I proclaimed.

That's when my vision comes eye to eye with a hand heading towards me. The slap was as loud as a clap and stung my face. It had been an open-handed smack and it had left a red welt behind. Just below my eye was a small cut where his wedding ring had caught me. I staggered backwards, clutching my face, eyes watering.

His temper blew hot and he started thumping the counter with his fist I knew I'd won. I was furiated therefore I slamed into him pushing him. The torture was enough. He banged onto the wall behind an groaned in pain. That was the cue for me too leave. I ran hastliy upstairs to grab my school uniform. I was gonna go to Ellie's place. I run outside of the house, only wearing my pj's but I didn't really care, all I wanted is to get out of here. I thought of calling her before bombarding her home, only realising that I had lost my phone and due to the rush, I had left my phone at Jordan's. Yay Life Not! Suddenly, a motorbike seen before lined up in front of my house and hansomely stepping out was Dane as he walked infont of me. I blushed and equally felt embarrassed as I was only wearing my PJ's.

"Umm Dane what are you doing here?" I asked as I blushed when his hands scraped his morning hair.

"Well, I wanted to apologize from yesterday and also give you your phone, you left it at Jordan's place," he replied handing back my phone when I felt his warm touch.

"Thanks and it is alright, Rob was fun to be with yesterday, I didn't miss you at all" I teased and he chuckled.

"How did you get my address anyway" I asked, a little dumbfounded myself.

"Oh your dearly Rob told me it, remember he dropped you off?" He replied as I nodded in agreement.

"Well I better be going, you going somewhere?" he jested and my heart sank.

"Well I was going to Ellie's house, that's all!" I replied, still feeling nervous of the thought about my dad coming out.

"Should I drop you, I am free!" he jibed and made a jester to his motorcycle.

"OMG I WOULD LOV..uh..umm like to, yes please!" I hastilly replied and he laughed again showing his beautiful dimples. ohmygodhisdimples.

I unlocked my phone and was scrolling down alphabetically to find Ellie's name when I came across the name Dane. Dane had gone through my phone and added his number! I felt queasy in a great way and I shook my head from sided to side and smirked. He instantly realised why I was doing this and he blushed, brushing his hair once more. I texted Ellie and we were off!

So sorry for such a short chapter. I have had a busy day haha! Omg Cara has Dane's number OMG!!!!HAHA pls comment and vote.


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