I use you, you use me

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"They are a couple now" I cried as Ellie and Amy, both to my side squeeze my hand in their palm.

"But...but how could he, he likes you, we can see it in his eyes, the way he looks at you, the way he talks to you!" Added Amy.

"Oh poor soul, he doesn't deserve you, he knows he has missed his chance, and just do think, he was keeping up with two girls at a time, I mean who does that!" Retorted Ellie.

A huge lump formed in my throat. She was stating the obvious and still I hadn't been able to catch it. Dane was toying both of us meaning Naomi and I at the same damn time. Trying to hide the tears readying them selves to unleash, I quickly covered my face. They trickled down my cheeks and ushered them off through the sleeve of my jumper. Ellie and Amy, quickly gave me a hug and kept asking me the usual question- PLEASE DON'T CRY!"
I nodded in compliance and kept stating that I was fine, but deep down, I was hurt. But, I shouldn't care, should I? It was obviously not my fault.
"Why waste precious tears on people who don't deserve it "
My grandmas words kept replaying in my head, which enraged a boost of courage in me. She was right! Why am I even caring anyways, he was the one betraying me, he toyed with my feelings, he used me and left me...WHY DO I GOD DAMN CARE.
I sternly rose from my seat and I got feel the two piercing gazes on the back of my head.

"Guys, I want revenge...." I gulped at turned around to face the gasping people.

"R...revenge, what k...kind of r..e..venge?" Amy asked

"Oh chill, not the killing revenge, that's too far-fetched but I like the idea" I snickered and wiped the few wet patches on my cheeks.

" YURIKEE! THAT'S IT! I have a plan, all we need to do is get you a fake boyfriend!" Ellie rose from her seat and put her arm around my shoulder.
My face was blank with no expression on my face. I know it's a silly idea and it will never work. Moreover, I was not sure of what I'll do with a fake boyfriend.

"El, what the hell am I gonna do with a fake boyfriend?" I asked, shaking my head and disagreeing with her idea.

"Oh keep up Cara, it's to make Dane jelly!" Amy replied and I mentally wanted to laugh at her innocence.

"Duh....now only who would be willing to be your fake boyfriend, hmph" Ellie sighed and fell back on the bench.

To make this plan to succeed, I needed someone who would be willing to be my fake boyfriend and that has to be before the celebration. Yay life (not).


I pondered in my biology class, staring hard at the piece of paper. I was quite ecstatic for the biology lesson but all the planning had gotten the better of me. We were luckily dissecting a leaf with nail varnish, trying to spot the many stomata.

"Shall I go get the things, or do you want to?" A voice asked and I quickly shuddered my little thought bubble. My eyes fell upon my biology partner- James.

"Uh, I don't really mind" I replied and I carried writing the notes from the board. To be honest, I didn't want to get up and get all the equipment. James shuddered and went to grab the few items we needed.

James was a weird guy; he would either be all happy and the next minute a total jerk. His looks were quite the charming type, his brown ruffled hair and his green tinted eyes. He was not as built as Dane, but it suited his personality. He had that shy look about him teens often get when they've grown too much too fast, like they aren't really sure about being a man just yet. He was skinny, but the way his clothes hung gave away the muscle beneath; and always in his wake were heads turning to watch him go. We weren't to close as friends, better to say acquaintances. We would share each other "hello's" and "byes" when we meet in biology and that is all. He didn't have many friends either

Carefully, I applied a coat of the clear nail varnish, whilst James set up the microscope. 

"Cara?" he asked. I didn't bother to lift my head as I was concentrating on peeling of the dried nail varnish but clearly trying not to be rude, I gave him a quick glance to inform him that I was listening.

"Well, I was wondering...uh ok let me get straight to the point..Are you going to Naomi's and Dane's celebration party?" he bickered and I slowly stopped what I was doing and met his eyes. 

"Yes, yes I am, why do you ask?" I asked with full curiosity.

"Ok, listen" he grabs my attention once more and slowly carefully whispers something in my ear. "will you be my fake girlfriend?" I litterly choke on his question and easliy grabbed a few peoples attention. They scowled at me and went back to concentrating on the leaf disecting task. 

"WHAT! HOW CAN I BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" I ushered in a whispery tone.

"Fake girlfriend that is..so would you?" he questioned.

Was he mad or was I just dreaming? Ok he was mad. I was debating mentally, whether I should agree to his decision, after all I do need a fake boyfriend. 

"Why do you need a fake girlfriend?" I ask as I plummeted on to my seat to look him in the eyes. I needed answers.

"Well, I wanna make someone you know uh jealous" he blushed and I silently chuckled. I had never seen him blush before but oh boy it sure was cute.

"Ok, not trying to be nosy, but who is it?" I ask. Definately I was being nosy but who doesn't just love gossip! 

"Naomi," he spluttered. 

My eyes widened, for sure I was looking like the eyes-wide, blushed cheek emoji but just not yellow. 

"So, you have a thing for her," I tease as I nudge him by my elbow. He blushed even more and I chuckled once more, making it quite evident. 

"Well, we did, you see before that idiot came into our lives, we were dating for a long time and our relation was serious but the tables turned," he sniffled. His voice was quiet and very depressing. Weirdly, I still only blamed Dane for this mess. James eyes were watery and slowly I placed my hand on his shoulder. 

"I have no one to tell, everyone will mock me and call me a jealous freak, but they never know how i feel," he claimed. "I only asked you because well you are my only understanding friend I have so yeah..."

I slightly blushed at 2 things. One was his sophisticated manner, the way he calls me a female and secondly I am his only understanding friend.

"Don't worry, your fake girlfriend will help you" I smirked at my answer. 

 His eyes softened into mine. "Really?" he responded and I gave him a quick nod and unexpectedly he leans forward and hugs me. His touch sent me electric shocks in my body. He rapidly beckons back and blushes at his own gesture. We got some ooooo's across the room and I went back to concentrating on my work, still embarrassingly blushing. 

Oh come on Cara, it was only a friend hug, only a hug, IT WAS A HUG...

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the delay! Just saying, I was really busy for some days! Sorry to all my evid readers! I will try updating more regularly! Thx!

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