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The motorbike ride was a ritual. He hung his tool belt on the garage wall, drank a pint of water and done his leather suit. Seated behind the oversized fairing he turned the key and sat for a moment, listening to the purr of the engine. It was a solid machine , a touring model BMW. I began to feel quiet uncomfortable. I had been on many Motorbike ride before but never such as this one. It was too rapid and my heart and my mind were having a debate to whether if I should rest my hand on his shoulder. Not that I wanted to get close or anything, ok yes I did but that wasn't the only reason. It was soon gonna be very fast and I wasn't ready for it at all.

Just as if he was reading my mind he claimed, "Hold on tight Summers, I won't bite!" as I blushed and gently put my hand on his shoulder, tightening my grip, easily making out the muscular muscles.

He headed for the mountain roads. Once there he disregarded the speed limits, opening the throttle wide. Sometimes his knee would skim the ground as he took the bends. He had a hard job and this was his therapy.  He pulled infont of Ellie's home and took of his helmet gear off and he gave me an innocent smile. ohmygodhisdimples

"Thank you, alot! Hope I will see you around!" I informed as I stood infont of him, who was sitting on the motorbike seat. He stared at me hard, giving me an emotional face, and I sudeenly felt confused. Why isn't he replying? Maybe he doesn't want to see me again? What if he is angry for wasting his fuel? I mentally laughed at the last question that popped up in brian. Why would he care, he had the money of the world!

"Uh Summers?" He asked after a long awkward wait.


"Uh would you like to grab a coffee or something after school? he replied and I mentally had a break down.

Dane, the coolest, most handsome boy just asked me on a date, well not a date but a coffee date. Ya, you could say that! Everything in life is transitory, my crush, it's just that somethings lasts longer than others. Every emotion is fleeting, every thought gives way to a new one. It isn't a reason to despair, but one to rejoice. If you were to make a necklace of beads you'd choose the prettiest for your string, and such is life also. Make your moments happy so that they come together to form something wonderful and unique that is your time under the sun.

"A coffee date?" I chuckled and so did he, entitling me to having a break down once more!

He instantly came closer then I expected and whispered some words that I would never forget, "Well yes you could day that" he rejoined and smirked at me. One of his bad boy looks.

"Well Mackenzie won't be happy now, would she?" I teased.

He didn't quite get the humour in the sentence as he had a perplexed and worried expression on his face. I wish the ground could eat me up, I just wasted a perfect opportunity of having a date with my crush. UGH!

"Sorry?" He asked as I thought he hadn't heard me the first time

"Uh, I said yes I will...." I was interrupted

"No, I did hear you but when you were in your bubble of thoughts, you were lip syncing the word 'sorry'" He replied

"Oh, well uh, I uh don't know," I lied and he chuckled and replied "You want to go don't you and I did want to apologize so yes the coffee date is on!"

"Great, I will see you after school, at my locker!" I commanded and gave me a nod. With the excitment boiling up inside me, I leaped into his chest giving him a a warm hug. He suddenly felt startled and so did I. I was about to depart feeling drenched with embarrassment, when two warm hands closed the hug and I felt his face on my shoulder as his hands gripped on my waist. I felt so secure, so safe and I never wanted to let go. My prayers were not answered as he pulled away and gave me a knowing smirk.

"Bye Dane,"

"Bye Summers"

With that I rang the doorbell to Ellie's house as I saw Dane pull away and vanish away. Ellie's face lit up when she saw me and drew into a hug.

"Oh hey! I'm so glad you came m'dear. So happy to see you. You know, I was a little worried I came on a bit strong yesterday, well in the party. But enough about me. How are you? Did you sleep well? Did you eat a good breakfast? I was a bit naughty when it came to breakfast. I guess I should have had muesli from the tub but instead I sneaked a cinnamon bun from the freezer, forty five seconds in the microwave and it's as good as when it came out of the oven yesterday. I'm feeling a calling for a second, but hey, who's counting?! Not you, I can tell that from your face. Oh, sorry, you don't know why you came back and you're wondering if you should leave? No, no, please stay. Like I said, I'm so glad you came back in your jeans...your pyjamas...your underpants? No, don't tell me about those, I'll just imagine you're dressed until you are...  I've been practising descriptions for a while now, so read along and you and me will be standing on the same gravelly track just wide enough for one car, one tractor, looking out at the view while we talk..."She blabbed on and I countinued laughing at her innocence. Oh what a lovely friend I have!

"Well today we're going for a walk in the Canadian countryside after school with Amy, wanna come?" She inquired

"Well I would love to but you see, uh how do I tell you this, I have to go somewhere with someone" I answered. Ellie knew I was blushing slightly and she knew what was going on

"Then who is the lucky guy?"she teased

"Well actually, I am quiet lucky and it is technically not a date, just an apology coffe drink and I am going with Dane" I blushed when my mouth said his name. His name sounded so pure and beautiful even from my hideous voice.

"YOU MEAN DANE, DANE THE BAD/CUTE BOY ASKED YOU ON A DATE!!!!!OMG CARA, I AM SO JEALOUS!!!" with that she drew into giving me another affectionate hug and I welcome her too!

Again so sorry for the short chapter and pls don't mind my errors, its not proof read yet! pls vote and comment!


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