Chapter 13

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A/N - - - This part switches points of view quite a lot. 

Later that day....

Alison's POV

I woke up this evening with a ton of energy. I checked the time, it was only 5:00 p.m. I've only been asleep for a few hours or so. I get up, and I check Vania's room, to see if she's back home. "Hey." I said when I stepped in. "Hey sleepyhead. When I came in, you were passed out on your bed when I got home. Were you ever awake at all while I was gone?" She asked.

"I was awake, but I fell asleep." 

"Oh. Is Nathan still here? I didn't see him in your bed when I checked on you." She pointed out. Come to think of it, Nathan wasn't in my bed when I woke up. Where could he be? "I don't know where he went." I shrugged.

"How's it been going with him? Did he bite you? Did he do anything weird?" She asked all these questions. I was growing nervous, and I covered my neck bites. "It's been going good. No, he hasn't bitten me, and no he hasn't done anything weird. Why are you still caught on this assumption?" I asked, not trying to be rude. 

"Because I just know he is. I'm waiting for him to reveal himself so I can show you. If I push him to reveal himself, something might happen." She said.

"Just a random question here: If he had turned me into a Vampire, and you found out, would you kill him?" I asked nervously.

"Probably." She said.

"But what if I liked it? What if - what if I wanted it? And he meant no harm at all - Would you kill him then?" I asked. 

"In that case, maybe not. But why are you asking all of these questions all of the sudden?" She asked, confused.

"No reason, just wondering." I said quickly.

She nodded slowly. "If you say so." She said.

I decided to ask her to hang out. We hadn't really talked or done anything together lately, and I wanted to. "Wanna hang out tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah. We haven't went out and hung out in practically forever." She chuckled. 

"I know! We need to hang out again." 

"Alright, tomorrow it is then." She said. 

I nodded and left her room after that.

I closed her door, and I went downstairs, to find an angry Nathan waiting for me.

"Hey." I said a bit nervous-like. 

"I heard your conversation." He said.

"How much of it did you hear?" 

"I got to listening right around the point you asked to hang out with her. You can't go anywhere! You're still going through your transformation. And if you blow up in Vampire-mode in front of people, it will not look good." He explained.

"Well, I'm not canceling with her! I'll just have to contain myself." I said. I was not going to bail out on Vania.

"If you say so. Oh and one more thing, you are a shit liar." He said. 

"You mean you heard me -"

"Blabbering on about that stuff? Yeah, I heard it. Let me be the first to tell you that any Vampire could see through those lies." He nodded.

That was certainly good to know. Not. 

"Alright then. Anyhow, where did you go?" I asked, desperate to change the subject.

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