Chapter 39

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Alison's POV

Eventually, we left the floor and everyone went back to their own things. 

I started to get a bit dizzy. I felt extra warm and my vision was getting spotty.

"I'm gonna go outside for a sec." I talked over the music to music.

He nodded and let me go.

When I walked outside, the crisp air hit me like a smack to the face compared to the hotness of the inside of the club.

Surprisingly, while I walked outside, it was quiet. And not just quiet. Eerily quiet. Literally nothing made any noise accept for my boots on the concrete.

I then heard a whisper coming from an alley. 

As I walked closer to the voice, it was getting louder and louder and it almost sounded familiar.

I was edging closer towards the alley and the voice became clear. It was..Adam.

Don't be scared, confront him. I thought. I took a deep breath and I turned the corner. 

To my ultimate surprise, he wasn't there!

"I could swear just saw him." I muttered. 

I took one look around the dark alley and backed out. 

I backed into someone's chest. I got spooked. Thinking it was Adam, I whipped around and slapped his face, knocking him to the ground.

But when I got a better look at him, I realized that person who I slapped wasn't Adam. 

It was Max.

"Max? What the hell! You scared me!" I said.

"I can say the same for you! You pushed me like I was some sort of robber." He said, dusting himself off.

I chuckled. "Sorry." 

"It's okay. But why are you out here alone?" He asked.

"I needed fresh air. I was getting a bit dizzy." I said, pointing to the club.

"Yeah, I saw you and Nathan dancing. You were really the center of attention." He said.

I nodded, not saying anything.

"I want to talk to you about something." He said suddenly.

Oh god. I think I knew where this was going. "What?" 

"Remember when we first met, and you left so abruptly?" He asked slowly.

"Yeah." I nodded slowly.

"Just a random question here. Did you read my mind?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"I didn't mean for you to hear what I was thinking. I didn't want -"

"Max. Can we not do this here? Nathan could come out at any second and -"

I couldn't finish my sentence because by the time I was almost done saying it, Max's lips were on mine.


I pushed Max off of me. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" I screamed, my eyes changing colour.

"I-I'm sorry!" He back up about 10 steps.

"Why would you do that! You know I love Nathan!!!" I came closer and yelled at him.

"I don't get what came over me!! Please, Alison, don't -"

"Don't what?! Tell Nathan!?" I looked at him.

"Yes!! You can't tell him!! Please!!" He begged.

I was too stunned to even answer. Did Max George just fucking kiss me!!? That was the ultimate question that was burning in my mind. Nevermind the fact the Nathan will go ballistic when he finds out.

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