Chapter 19

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Alison's POV

I stood there in shock. I can't believe she's dead. That was my best friend. She was like  my sister. And now she was gone forever.

I ran out of her room. I couldn't bare the sight of her dead body. I went into my room and let my tears flow out. Who could have done this? 

Nathan's POV

I felt something wrong. Alison. Something bad happened to her. I can feel her emotions, because since I bit her, and she has my blood in her, I feel what she feels. Whether she's extremely happy, sad, mad, in trouble, or anything like that. And right now, she's extremely sad.

I sprinted out of the house to find her. Her flat was the first place I went to to check for her.


I walked right in. The door was wide open. I closed it behind me. "Alison?" I called out. I heard faint whimpers and cries coming from upstairs. I went upstairs to her room. "Ali! What's wrong?!" I immediately sat at her side and held her close. "It's-it's Vania." She choked out in between sobs. "What happened to her?" I asked. She didn't speak. She just got up and went to Vania's room. I followed. 

When I got in there, I gasped. She was dead. Laying on the floor, pale and dead. "H-How did this happen?" I asked. "I don't know. I just walked in she was." She breathed. "We have to call the ambulance." She went over to the side of her body. "There's no use. She's dead." I said gravely.

"I know that. But if we leave her here, her corpse will start to give off a god awful smell. And it will look like we killed her." She said.

"Hey! My corpse would smell good!" I heard a familiar voice. Could it be...

Ali and I both turned our heads in astonishment.

A much paler, lighter version of Vania stood in our view.

"Vania! You-you're a ghost!" Alison said. How is this even possible?

"Yep! I guess I am!" She sounded way more cheerful about this than I would've guessed.

"Who killed you?" I asked in an angry manner. No matter how much I hated her guts, I still cared about her. Somewhat. This is Alison's friend, after all. 

"Some Vampire. He said he knew the both of you."

My eyes went wide at that. "It was a he?" I asked. She nodded.

I looked at Alison's facial expression, she looked to be thinking. Adam. She thought.

I agreed with her. But what would Adam want to do with Vania? And why did he kill her?

Alison's POV

The whole time, I'm thinking it's Adam who's done this. It had to be him. Who else could it have been? No one else had a reason to. I don't even think Adam had a reason to. None that I could think of, anyway. But he still did it, regardless if he had a motive or not. 

"You said this Vampire knew the both of us?" I asked. She nodded.

"I don't recall knowing any Vampires." I lied. 

"Well, apparently you do."

Oh yeah. This is Adam's work alright. "Well we have to call the ambulance." I said. "No! Why would you want do that?!" She said. 

"Maybe's a dead body! And it will start to give off a horrible smell." Nathan said in a 'duh' tone.

"Fine." She gave in. 

"I'll go call them." He said and went to get the phone. I soon heard him talking.

While he was gone, I stood in silence. "I can't believe you're a ghost." I said. Her ghost form basically looked the same. Just really, really pale.

"I can't believe it either." She said.

Nathan then came back in the room. "They're on their way." He said. "You need to hide." I told Vania. "I'm a ghost. Nobody can see me." She said.

"We can. And if we can see you, so can everyone else. Now hide." Nathan ordered. 

Vania went and hid in her closet.

I was still shaken up about all of this. I know that in a way, Vania is still here and all. But the fact of the matter is that her body is dead. She's a ghost for god sakes. All in all, she is dead. But she's still here in ghost form. And at this point, I'm willing to take that. 

I heard the door being knocked on. I went down the stairs to let them in. 


They came upstairs to examine Vania's body. They looked around for anything out of the ordinary.

"Well, she's dead. No doubt about that. And her death is exactly similar to all of the other killings around here. No blood in her system, and there's stab wounds on her neck. Was she like this when you got here?" The bobby (policeman) asked. 

"Yes, she was." I said. 

They asked us a bunch of more questions. Afterwhich, they pulled Vania's body onto a stretcher and rolled her out and they all left.

We went back upstairs to her room. "Alright Vania they're gone." I said. She appeared from he closet. "We have to do something." Nathan said.

"Do what? At this point, if we so much as approach him, something bad is going to happen. We need to lay low for a bit. I'm not risking anything right now." I explained. 

"You do have a point." Nathan said. 

I changed the subject for a moment. "Vania, if you're dead, how are you going to hunt?" I asked. I really wanted to know how that was going to work out for her.

"I could still hunt if I wanted to."

I gave her a look. "How so?"

She pondered for a moment. "I can still pick up things. That's all I need." She said and picked up her own shoe.

"But you're so pale." Nathan interjected.

"So are you." She retorted. And for some reason, Nathan got mad at that. That wasn't even worth getting mad over. He growled at her. "Calm down." I muttered. He stepped back and seemed to calm down.

It seemed I would never get those two to stop going at each other. No matter what was going on.

"Anyway, what do you plan on telling everyone you hunt with?" I questioned.

"That i'm a ghost and my body was killed." She said bluntly.

"Oh sure that makes perfect sense." Nathan scoffed.

"Well, Vampires are real, aren't they?" She asked pointedly at Nathan.

"Who said I was a Vampire?" He asked.

"You really want me to prove that?" Vania said.

"Quit fighting over this! We don't need this particular argument right now!" I interjected. They both got quiet quick.


"But anyway, I don't understand how that makes any type of sense. But if you say so." I told her. 

I left her room and into mine. This has all gotten me really tired. Right before I went to sleep, I heard Nathan's soft voice.

"I'm gonna go home. I'll see you tomorrow..."

And that was the last thing I heard.

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