Demons are Like Tissues

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"You are on our turf." One of the boys say, his voice deep like a gaping pit. "You will not make this mistake a second time." His voice was so familiar to me, though not like it is now. Like it is in the day, when he would whisper things in my ear. I smile and let out a little laugh. 

"Sorry Jose." I say to him in a bemused voice. "I don't make mistakes- I only date them." I was referring to the time Jose and I had dated, when I had tricked him into believing I was just another silly human girl. And like an idiot, he believed me. "You know all about that though." I add, hitting him where I knew it would hurt him the most.

"The past is the past." He said, more like he was trying to convince himself than me. There is a long silence before he continues "Now I have the advantage. You always were such a dim witted girl." I can feel my temper rising, like the cartoon characters you see turn red as they get more and more angry.

But I do not have time to lose my temper. It is as if an invisible barrier had been broken by our words. He lunged at me, his clawed hands outstretched to embrace me. If it hadn't been for Chloe, I would probably have been dead. She had her blade in the demon's chest before I could count to three. I hit the second one in the face with the the back of my wrist, then drove my knife through the soft spot in his collarbone.

His life-blood streamed from his eyes,mouth and nose in a harsh red light, like a jack o'lantern that has just been lit. A scream rose up out of him as well, echoing hauntingly in the alley. Chloe and I stood our hearts pounding, then nodded to each other, acknowledging that the other did a good job, and that we were both still alive. Good job us, I think to myself ruefully.

Clap.Clap.Clap. We both turned to face the demon girl, who I had almost forgotten about, and her sarcastic clapping. She had not moved from her original position. "Way to go!" She said, arrogance dripping off of her voice like rust drips off of sunken ships that littered the Californian shore. Most demons would be more than a little concerned if they had just seen two of their fellow evils killed like some people swat flies with rolled up newspapers by two humans that looked like 16 year old girls within a matter of seconds.

I let out a breath. Chloe and I were the best of the best. There was a reason we were still alive, why we did not really worry about anything. Chloe and I had been in training for this since the day we turned 7. I had trained for exactly 1 month more than Chloe. We got our assignments on the same day, and we learned to work together. We were who demons feared the most. I know. I had sources to tell me.

But this girl was not most demons. Even among demons, she was special. "Well Chloenth and Cassiburn, what a lovely surprise. How kind of you to drop by and dispose of those two creeps for me." The girl shook her hair, which hung loosely around her face in pretty red ringlets, that even the darkness of the alley could not fully dim to an absolute nothing.

"They are so much less annoying when they are not breathing." I want to laugh, because that is something I would say. But I force it down. She is Chloe's enemy, therefore she is also yours, I tell myself with conviction. I nod in agreement with myself and cross my arms hoping to look like I do not think what she said is funny at all.

"Riata", Chloe growled in a very un-Chloe like way. Usually it was my job to make the witty comebacks and wishy washy back talk that made our job more enjoyable, Chloe would always much rather just kill them and move on. But I like to have fun with them, humiliation before death, is the worst way to die. But for Ria, Chloe makes an exception.

Nobody liked Ria, Ruby's pesky little sister, but she was personal enemy number 1 in Chloe's world, due to an incident a few years ago that involved Parker, her charge and a party at a bar. Since, Chloe has made sure Ria stays far away from Parker. "Last time it seems as though you had blonde hair." She says in fake innocence, like she does not know what could have happened to make her change.

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