A Fight Between Sisters

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I run and jump into the night breeze. The flight was easy. I was back at the hotel in 2 hours, even with the detours I had to take.

"Where on God's green earth have you been?" Chloe screams as soon as I enter the room. I roll my eyes. She was certainly cranky.

"I told you I was visiting friends." I say with as much patience as I can muster after that flight and at this time of night. I blink the tiredness away from my eyes, and look at her as calmly as I can.

"For six hours? " She continues to scream at me, which actually helps me hold on to my calm.

"Yes Chloe, for six hours, two of which were in flight." I pause. "Actually it was more than that, because I had to take a roundabout way to get back." I stare at her. She is still seething with anger, like a pot about to boil over.

"What is wrong with you?" She hisses from in between gritted teeth. "What is your problem? You treat us like trash but expect us to be here for you. We were all worried sick about you taking off like that, no calls, no way to get in touch with you, no clue where you are or when you will be back. But you don't care. All you care about is yourself!"

"That is a lie!" I say, losing all pretense of self-control. "The only reason I went to see them was for information on how to change Noel back! And I don't care about you? Of all the ungrateful things to say to me Chloe, that one takes the cake. Because you are wearing my clothes, you got here in my car, and you are only here and this close to getting Noel free because I keep on good terms with some of the being that are so below you." I pause only when I run out of breath.

"Well you are keeping secrets from me! I am supposed to be your angel sister, but you never tell me where you disappear to, who this mysterious them is. Why?"

"Cain!" I yell as loudly as I can. "I go to visit Cain because otherwise he would be all alone. But you are terrified of him, so I would never ask you to come. But he is housing Crowley who knew how to change Noel back. I am putting more work into this than you are!"

"Ohf please." She sneers nastily, "Don't put on that fake good girl act that everyone else buys into so easily in front of me. You aren't doing this for me".

"What are you implying Chloenth?" I ask quietly, my voice as sharp as a flashing dagger warning her. Take heed. My vision shifts as my eyes become the pure gold irisesiris's that they become when I prepare to challenge another angel which before this moment I had never been willing to even think about doing.

"The only reason you are here is to free your block head big brother, because he is an idiot and got himself locked in jail. But you are his little sister, you love him and are on your way to make it all better." The look she gives me dares me to argue.

I almost do worse than argue, in fact I start to lunge at her. Intent on making her eat her words. I see Sam move in between us and Dean jump to his feet ready to lend him a hand. But I pull back at the last second as the gas station's demons words hit me in the stomach like a train.

"You aren't talking about me and Castiel are you Chloe?" I ask. "Is it true then?" She looks at me her brown eyes filled with broken anguish.

"All that I know is I have memories that I have forgotten and now can't explain." She whispers like a scared child. It is only then that I notice what she is wearing.



What is Chloe wearing?  Why can't she remember her brother?  Why is this chapter so short?  Do I have any answers to these tough questions?  Why don't you ask them yourself and find out.

As always please don't be a silent reader.  Comments and votes are always appreciated. 

P.s the song at the top " hot mess " - cobra starships is the song that comes on in Cassie's car in like the 3-4 chapter

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