The Bar

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"Bright light city gonna set my soul, gonna set my soul on fire. I got a whole lotta money that's ready to burn so get those stakes up higher!" Elvis' voice rings out. "Viva Las Vegas." I throw my hands up in the air which makes Sam scream and cover his eyes. 

"Sam do you carry a purse around with you?" I ask.

"Cassie do you ever keep your eyes on the road?" He asks me in the same tone.

"No I keep them in my head." In the back I hear Chloe and Dean laughing. Sam rolls his eyes. "Your eyes will fall out if you keep rolling them." I add.

"How did you pass your driving test?" He asks me.

"Cas!" Chloe answers from the backseat. "Duh!" I shrug.

I look down at my speed. (5 miles an hour. I nod, look back up,just in time to slam on my brakes. I barely avoid hitting the car in front of me. I try to look past it, but all I can see are tail lights. "Why to the call it rush hour" I say throwing my hands in the air. "If you move an average of 1 inch an hour." I hit the steering wheel and the slump back in my seat.

"Do you need me to drive?" He asks. I glare at him and he takes the hint.

I play non stop shuffle until we get to the Las Vegas city limits. The last song that plays is Highway To Hell. Sam laughs as I turn the music down. "That is the note that we want to end on." He says. "Now where to?"

I look at him. "Do you have a credit card?" I ask him without smiling. He nods slowly, and then I smile.

The Paradise Hotel turns out to be quite expensive. But in this case, it is Sam paying, and we only needed two rooms anyway. So I decide to live it up. I twirl around under the high entry way ceiling and squeal.

"We need drinks!" Dean announced leading the way into the dimly lit bar. I shrug and follow him. The room is crowded and loud and smoky. I slide up to the bar and hiss under my breath to Sam, "how do I order?"

He looks at me and hisses back. "Have you never been to a bar before?" I shake my head smiling.

"Hello there lassie." the old man behind the bar says when he sees my whispered conversation. I smile at him. He has white hair and a slightly stooped back." you just let me know when you know what you want." I nod. The younger bartender rolls his eyes. They are dark blue, and are set off by his olive skin and dark hair.

"Ignore him." He says, coming to stand in front of us. "I'll get your drinks." I look him dead in the eyes for a second, then glance over his shoulder. The older bartender's head is slumped down in defeat, and he grabs a rag and starts wiping down the bar.

"Oh this is my first time in a bar." I say, trailing a strand of hair. "And I would rather, like have a bartender with some like actual experience then have a newbie make my drink. So you can go find someone else to bully." I twirl my hair vally girl style and blink at him. He stares at me, until he determines that it is clear I am not going to give him my order. He huffs and walks away.

The older bartender comes and leans across the bar. "What will it be today lassie?" He asks. His eyes are gray and twinkle merrily, like how I would imagine Santa Claus would look. I turn to Sam and stare at him.

"Ok I'll order for you." He says, reading my look. "Two Martinis and whatever they are getting." He nods to Chloe and Dean who are sitting in a little booth. The bartender nods and walks away. Sam looks at me, and fiddles with a salt shaker. "One time, Dean and I found a house that did not have salt." He laughs. "Who does not have salt?"

"People that care about their sodium intake." I answer, removing the shaker from his hands and sitting it on the bar.

"You are different from Cas." He says. "LIke you understand humans." I smile.

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