Flying's a Bitch

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I flew as fast as I could. Flying is one of the few good things about being an angel on Earth. Unfortunately we don't get to do it very often. We are only allowed to do so in "drastic times". Well, my best friend in the entire world was about to throw her life away with both hands and to me that was considered 'drastic'. I felt the wind lift me up off the ground as I soared away from Ria's body and towards Chloe. I spun like a corkscrew,building up force until I had closed the distance between me and her enough that I could stop her.

I lowered my altitude until I was literally on top of her, stretched out my arms and hit her, wrapping her into my hold as we both tumbled to the ground. "Let go of me!" She struggles to get away as I haul both of us to our feet. She slams her head into my shoulder, causing me to lose my grip.She hooks my ankle with her foot and tugs. I fall backwards slamming into the brick wall. I move in front of her to block her path to the exit ignoring the pain in my wings.

"I can't let you do this", I explain shifting with her attempts to get past me. I bat my wings at her, trying to drive her back.

"I can't not do it!" She replies,still trying to out maneuver me. "Cassie, you wouldn't understand what it is like to know that sweet innocent Noel is in Hell. If you know that someone like that, someone who you love was there, you would jump at the first chance to save them too. So until you understand, don't act like my boss and let me do my job!"

She shoves me again, and this time, because my balance was off, I tumbled into the gravelly slush. As she rushes past me, I grab her foot and cause her to stumble. The second she hits the ground, I am on top of her and enveloping her in my wings to keep her still.

"Listen" I say as she hits the inside of my wings with her fists. "I know how you feel. My older brother is stuck there. If I had this chance, I would take it in a heartbeat, and you would be here doing exactly what I am doing." Her fighting lessened slightly. "I know how you are feeling, but you can't go alone. And even with the two of us, it would be pointless. We would not be able to get Noel out safely. So why don't we go and get the Winchester boys, and maybe even Ruby. Then all of us can take my car and go on a nice little road trip to Hell?" She stilled entirely at this. "We can get Noel out easier if we all go." I add, hoping to crumble her remaining resolve.

"Really?'' She asks from within my wings, sounding a little bit like a scared child. I gulp back my own fear. Part of me, the really scared part, wants to release her and let her go on her own. But the bigger part, tells me that there is no way I would ever be able to live with that decision. Her tears, which are now being absorbed by the feathers in my wings are going to be a nightmare to wash out, and I can already feel the bruises starting to come in. But I do not dare let her go. She has to know that at the very least, I have her back.

"Absolutely." I say. "I think Sam and Dean will enjoy the change of pace, and you know Ruby is always up for anything.As for me, we are partners,and we are best friends. Plus it has been a while since I saw my blockhead brother. Besides, it is more fun to be psychos together than all by yourself." I finally release her and spin her towards me. "Together, understand?" I shake her shoulders a little bit until she nods and I wrap my arms around her for a moment, and standing there together, we get a better grip on our emotions.

"We still have a little darkness left." I say checking the sky. "Do you wanna fly?" She smiles and laughs. No angel ever passes an opportunity to fly. It goes against the unwritten angel code.

We both soar effortlessly over the clouds of night time. The wind was icy up here and whipped my face violently. I give that as the excuse to myself about why I am crying. Because really I am crying for my brother. Because he was in Hell, because I could not get him out, because he said hi. I want to be mad at him for leaving me all alone, to deal with ever mess that comes my way on my own, and on some days I can almost manage it. But then it occurs to me that whatever he is going through is 10 times worse than anything I can imagine. And then I just end up sad again.  Chloe is crying too, but by the time we get to the Winchester's apartment we are both back in control and pretending that it had never happened.

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