Matches are Made

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"If I had a penny for every time Dean say or does something stupid I would be richer than Bill Gates." I say as I shimmy out of my blue jeans, revealing the skin tight leggings underneath. "I mean really. I did not know anyone could be that stupid and still know how to breath."

Chloe laughs as she tosses her tee to the floor. "You are only saying that because you love him so much that it has grown into hate." I smile and walk into the bathroom.

"Chloe, if ignorance is bliss then you must be the happiest person in the whole world." I say, ducking my hair into the sink and rinsing out the traces of blood, sweat and gasoline." I shake my hair out and wrap it in a towel. I walk to my suit case. Cas built this one for me too, and it has a pretty much infinite wardrobe. I just tell it what I want and it gives me two outfits, one for me and one for Chloe. "Vegas." I say. Two dresses float to the top.

I smile as I left it from the suitcase, but drop it as I turn around. Chloe and I both scream as a man enters our room. "Hola" He says. "How are you?''

I look at Chloe, my cheeks turning red. "Did you order room service?" I ask.

"Did the little Asian man speak Spanish?" she asks, looking at him, and answering my question with hers. No, she did not order room service.

"Ja" He replies nodding. He reaches up to his throat. I look at Chloe with wide eyes.

"What are you doing?" I ask backing up. He unbuttons the top button on his lavender shirt.

"When will you boyfriends be back?" He asks, looking around the room.

I look around too. " I really do not like where this is going." He has now removed his shirt. "Why are you here?" I ask, looking anywhere but at him. Chloe does the exact opposite, but the horror in her eyes makes it clear she is not enjoying this any more than I am.

"You pay me?" He says, pointing at us. I shake my head fervently.

Suddenly we hear laughing from the hall. I grab my dress and run to the bathroom, locking the door behind me, leaving Chloe to handle the Winchester boys. I came out of the bathroom once I am fully dressed. My dress has a fitted black velvet top, and is sleeveless. It has little glass beads sewn into it that glitter when I move. The bottom is made of too layers, a super short tight red fitted skirt and a regular short black lacy overskirt.

Chloe is also in her dress, which perfectly matches the color of her checks right now. It ends at her ankles with feathery black strands floating to the ground.The stands also make up the sleeves of her dress. She has dark makeup and her eyes are blazing with anger. "I may look calm but in my head I am slowly killing you." She says to me in a dead even voice.

"That is ok." I say brushing past her. "I am not afraid of death. He and I are practically engaged."

"But isn't death Crowley?" Dean asks. I shake my head.

"You should know death well by now Dean Winchester, I am surprised you don't have his cell phone number." I say.

"Naw." Dean says, batting his hand in a in a girly fashion. "He had to many other lovers, so we had to end it."

"But you still want him, don't you." I tease back, my eyebrow raised.

Dean shrugs, not really concerned.He looks me up and down. "You clean up nice." I smile at him.

"You do too." I say, looking at his classic black tux. "Except this." I reach out and grab his top hat off of his head..

"Hey!" He says, trying to snatch it back. I toss it to Chloe, who tosses it back to me. I finally relent and hand it back. He puts it on his head and says in a low serious voice. "For score and seven years ago, I had a funny hat." I giggle and Chloe laughs. Her true blue laugh, the laugh I hardly ever get out of her. Dean looks at her, shocked.

"Well Cassie did say I could be the next Lincoln." He says to her, his eyes traveling from her heels to her eyes.

"I said IF you only had a brain, you could be." I say,trying to figure out what is going on.

"You know what you need Chloe, you need flowers." He leads her out of the room and she closes the door with a little wave. I look at Sam, who is staring at the stripper. He hands him a 50 and the stipper leaves, I continue to stare at Sam.

"What just happened." I ask, turning to look at the door. I go to the suitcase and pick up a heavy dark purple velvet cloak. I fling it over my bare shoulders and look at Sam.

"I think Dean just decided he likes Chloe." He answers. I nod.

"I know he is your brother and all." I say quietly. "But she is my best friend. If he breaks her heart I will break his face."

"You look hot." He blurts out. Then looks up at me, as if he is surprised he said anything at all. "Damn it. I didn't mean to say that outloud." He says as he crosses the room quickly and walks out, leaving me to to stare at the empty space he left and wondering what I should have said.

30 minutes later we are pulling into the Soul Casino and Sam and I are trying to pretend nothing happened. Chloe is giggly and Dean is teasing her. I try not to gag too much and just let them be. We walk in, and my eyes widen involuntarily.

The bottom floor is crawling with people dressed to the nines, laughing, kissing, talking, drinking. It is a sea of humans, but every now and then I catch the familiar face of a demon. I lean against Sam, who wraps his arms around me, the awkwardness between us suddenly gone. "This place is owned and operated by Mammon." I tell them. "And as you might guess from the name, he uses it to collect souls. And the house." I whisper staring at a girl who looks 15 clinging to a demon and smiling. "always wins." I stare at a staircase that ascends into darkness.

"Ok." I say once my emotions are under wraps. "Chloe you and Dean take the downstairs. Keep a low profile and watch for Mammon or Noel. Sam and I will take the upstairs. We meet back here in one hour." They nod and we split up. I watch them go and disappear into the happy party crowd, not really sure I want to do this, but not sure what else I can do.

"Ready." Sam says. I nod and plaster on a fake giddy smile and let him lead me up the stairs. A big man in a cheap suit and mirrored sunglasses point to a room with an open door. Sam and I walk inside, and the man closes the door behind us.

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