Demons to the Left, Demons to the Right

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" Enough of that, let's go, we are wasting time." I slip out of the door and don't look back to see if they are following me.

But I don't head towards the stairs though. I slink across the hall and duck into the opposite room. Sam and Dean join me there. I retrieve the backpack I hid there from under the bed and open it. I toss a dagger to Sam and a jagged knife to Dean. "That is Ria's" I say grinning knowingly. "So take care of it."

I start to leave, but decide that it is now or never. I have to put my heart on the line now, because I may never get another chance to make this speech.

"Sam can I talk to you... alone." I look over at Dean purposefully. Dean shrugs and walks out, shutting the door behind him.

"Sam." I begin. "I have been thinking, as only someone who is about to go into something they know they might not come out of does. And you and I have some unfinished business." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, looking anywhere but at him. This sounded so much better in my head. "Kissing you was fun and all, but I don't think... and I wanted to tell you because the likely hood for death is high and..." I trail off feeling like a total idiot. "That did not make any sense did it?" I ask the ceiling. But the ceiling does not answer. Luckily, Sam does.

"No I understand." Sam says, laying a hand on my shoulder. I have no choice but to look at him. His eyes are filled with kindness and compassion. It is a look I have not been given since Cas was taken away. "I do love you Cassie, but like I would love my little sister. "Kissing you just felt so... wrong." He looks over at me in alarm. "I meant that in the best way possible." He added hastily.

I laugh and hug him. He hugged my back and even though I know I most likely am going to die, I felt safe in his arms, with his heartbeat in my ears. I close my eyes, and take this embrace in. Until now I had not let myself acknowledge how starved I was for my own brother's touch. For someone looking out for me, so that I did not have to all of the time.

"I am about to do something incredibly stupid." I say, stepping back and turning away, so he does not see I am about to cry.

"I am behind you 100% of the way" he replies, and his voice sounds a tiny bit shaky. I nod and he follows me out of the door. I marvel, as we descend the stairs to the now empty first floor, over the fact that a few short days ago, I had hated the Winchester brothers. In that time, I had been an ally, a lover, a fighter, an AWOL, a sister, and now they were the ones that I wanted to back me up in this battle. The only ones, besides Chloe, Cas and my informant.

"Ok, we got the supplies, now we get Noel." I say as I lead them to the photo booth. It is a cramped fit with the three of us but we manage to squeeze in. I hit the blue button and we are joustled into the basement. I stumble as I untangle myself for Dean and Sam.

"Ok." I say sitting the backpack down and unzipping it. "Now we fix Noel." I take out a plain black box and extract Mammon's keys from my pockets. Slowly I began to walk towards Noel.

"You can fix her?" Dean asks his shock slightly delaying his response.

"Yes, I think I can. And if I can't then I know someone else who can and will." I unlock one of the chains. Noel does not move. She doesn't even give any sin that she knows I am there. I start to unlock the biggest of her chains. I hand Sam the box as I struggle to haul it away from her.

But that is when I feel pain shoot through me like a bullet. I look down and notice how angry red my hands are. I drop the chains with a cry. They are pure silver. No angel or demon could touch them without getting burned. I bite my tongue to keep from yelling as the burn sets further into my skin.

"Hey Dean, make yourself useful and give me a hand will you?" I call, trying not to let my voice register any pain. I grip my hands together and will the burn to heal. The pain lessens, but does not disappear. Silver makes lasting wounds. I grimace as I pry them apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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