Guard your Room Better Winchesters

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I slide the window up noiselessly and we both climb into the room. Dean is sleeping, and is twisted around in the sheets. He mutters something that sounds like a girl's name and then rolls over. We stand there in the moonlight for several minutes before Chloe gives up on the silent approach. "Dean!" Chloe hisses . "Dean wake up!" 

He sits up in his bed startled and throws the knife that was apparently in his hands at us. It was a pathetic girly throw and I avoided it without even moving my feet. "Dean it's us!" Chloe hisses at him. He rubs his eyes groggily and leans forward, trying to see us. I roll my eyes even though he cannot see the gesture. Are there really mutiple angels who steal into his room in the dead of night with the intention of not killing him?

Although, I smile to myself in a slightly evil manner, I could kill Dean on the trip and make it look like an accident. I shrug. It is not like he can't come back. So really, it would not even count as murder.

Peering through the darkness he finally recognizes us. This takes longer than I would have thought. I mean, how many teen angels break into his room without the total intention of murder? "Ladies!" He says, his voice still holding a little bit of that "I just got up" quality, as well as his usual arrogant way. "I love that you came topless and all but there is only room for one of you in my bed. The other will have to wait."

"Can it Dean." I say shortly. Dean makes me more angrier faster, than anyone else I had ever known. Just the sound of his voice makes me want to strangle him in his sheets. If I had a list of people I would like to kill like Chloe, Dean Winchester would be numbers 1,2 and 3. I hate him, and go out of my way to show the contempt and spite I feel towards him. This however only encourages him to behave in an even more outrageous fashion towards me. This makes me even madder and the cycle continues. "Where is your brother?" I ask impatiently,looking around at the messy room.

"Why?" He asks his face contorting into a look of confusion. It is like he cannot even acknowledge the fact that his little brother might be of more use than him. "Oh wait!" He says, back to his regular condescending voice now. "I get it. You want his bed. He is across the hall, but I am sure he won't mind you coming in."

"I said can it Dean!!" My voice has risen to a shout, which it rarely does. I tend to focus more on word choice than volume to get my point across. Chloe lays her hand gently on my arm, telling me silently that I don't have to get angry. I grit my teeth and bite back another angry outburst. Dean laughs and reaches over to turn on the small lamp by his bed.

Sam appears in the doorway, his long hair a mess,knife in hand. He is wearing green and blue plaid pajama bottoms and no shirt. I quickly glance down at the floor. He has a tattoo on the left side of his chest that was not there the last time I saw him. I think back to last years hunter's pool party. No. I conclude. He definitely did not have it then.

Dean looks at him surprised at his state of dress or perhaps by his sudden appearance. "Oh." He finally says. "I get it, no tops allowed." He removes his own white tee shirt slowly and tosses it to the ground. "I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt." he sings.

"What in the world are you two doing in my brother's room?" He asks, his eyes on me. I look down at my outfit and then back up at him.

I smile a little and answer him with the honest truth. "Not what it looks like." His anger fades a little and I feel a surge of happiness, that I can make him get to the verge, at least, of a smile. I untie my sweater and pull it on,folding my wings in the process.

"We came to ask you two for help." Chloe adds." But we got...distracted?"She had to pause to find the right word. I lower my head and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Oh my gosh Chloe." I say, my cheeks bright red. "That sounded so bad. Replay what you just said in your head." I can see her do as I ask, and a look of horror and embarrassment crosses her face.

"Not like that!" She assures Sam hurriedly waving her hands frantically, trying to clear his mind of what he is most likely thinking. He just nods and looks down at the floor. It is covered in a really ugly shade of red carpet, and has the stains that say someone was either murdered here, or they spilled a lot of wine. If this apartment belonged to anyone else I would not be too concerned with the answer. But since it is the Winchesters, no one would ever know. "You see uh...we need to go to hell."

"Yes you do." Dean agrees nodding. "And as much as I might want to I am not going to send you there." I look at Chloe about to lose control again.But there is such sadness in her eyes I don't dare. Instead, I gulp back my pride and turn to face Dean.

"We have already been sent."I whisper. Chloe fills in all of the details of the alley, and ends with a plea for their help.

"How do we know this is not some elaborate setup to get Cas out? What if you are planning a soul exchange?" His voice is high and panicky, and sounds nothing like the Dean Winchester I know and hate.

"Because." Chloe said slowly,explaining to him what should be obvious if he were a rational human. "Then we would only need one of you. As it is,we want both of you and Ruby as well."

"I'm in!" Sam says reluctantly raising his hand, with a look that mixes excitement and fear. He looks up at his hand, as if he blames it for his agreement to our plea. "On one condition,we don't leave anybody behind." Chloe and I both nod, but I know we are both going to try and be the exception to the rule. "Not a single one of us!" He repeats. He stares at me, and I do not break his gaze, but hold it. So what if I am a liar, does that mean I cannot be a really good one? I think as he drops his gaze first.

Dean sighs. "I'm in too I guess. Someone is going to have to save all of your dumb butts from the fire. I am my brothers keeper after all. Now, I am going back to sleep, if you two don't mind." Chloe rolled her eyes, as if she did mind for some reason, but said nothing. We both followed Sam out of the room as Dean turned his light off again.

"I'm going to get some sleep too." He says, his eyes still trained on the floor. I look down too. The carpet here is navy blue. I shake my head slightly. Whoever decorated this place was not in full control of his mental function."You two can crash in the living room or you can just stand here in the hallway all night. It is up to you." He slips into his room and closes the door gently. I look at Chloe. I wouldn't actually mind standing here all night, but the look on Chloe's face says we should find the living room.

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