I Trusted You

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We walk out on the grass and I head towards Dean's car. "I thought we aren't taking my car." He reminds me like a sulking child, mimicking my voice in a high pitch fashion. "It's a sign saying all demons come and kill me." He glares at me. 

" We are not taking it in the long run." I agree, not taking the bait to fight for once. "But unless you want to walk the five miles to my house we are driving there. " I say with a shrug. I sit shotgun with Sam, while Chloe and Dean sit in the back. The car is so silent with heated fury that I can hear the gears in the car grinding as Sam changes from reverse to drive. Finally he turns on the radio."Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done." He sings at the top of his lungs. Dean joins in, yell-singing.

"No!!!" I shout. "Turn it off." I reach for the radio dial, but Sam slaps my hand away shaking his head.

"Driver picks the music and everyone else shuts their cake holes." He informs me with passion. I glance back at Chloe and smile. Two can play at this game you guys. I think as I share my pain at their singing, and my joy at knowing what was about to come their way as soon as I was driving.

The radio continues to play and Chloe and I sing along gamely. "Once I rose above the noise and confusion just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion." I tilt my head. Those were beautiful words, and I felt sure I had heard them from somewhere before. Not in a song. I wanted to pull the memory to the top, but it stayed lodged in place, refusing to be anything more than a hazy recollection.

Dean looks at us and joins in our more harmonious version, a tad off key,but not really bad. "I was soaring ever higher but I flew too high" We all sing all the way to my house.

"You guys wait here. I need to go grab my suitcase. Sam park this car in the shed." I say. "Beside the car under the tarp." I add as I get out. I dig the house key out of jeans and hurry up the sidewalk to the front door. I opened it and entered into the house.

There are fresh roses in the entryway, but beneath their sweet scent I smell something burning. I smile as I enter the kitchen. Monica, my adopted mom, must have burned her coffee again. She often forgot about it in the rush to get ready for work. Neither of my adopted parents are worried about me not coming home. I often stayed out too late and did not get home til they had gone to work the next day.

I left them a note on the counter, explaining that Chloe and I had decided to leave for our road trip early, and would be back in two weeks max. I glance at the clock. I have been home for 3 minutes.

I take the stairs two at a time and entered my room. I pull the cherry red suitcase out from the abyss under my bed. "Well that was easy." I say to myself in shock. I turn and take a staggering step back. A familiar face is standing in my doorway.

The figure steps into my room. "Kevin?" I say, more than a little scared. The boy in my doorway laughs like this is the funniest thing he has ever heard. It is Kevin, but it is not Kevin as well. This version has yellow eyes, yellow like the sun. He walks towards me. "Leave me alone." I tell the possessed Kevin.

He laughs. "The great Cassieburn." He says. 'The little sister of great Castiel. Only Castiel was not so great. He left me on the side of the road to die. But then I found you. You were the sun, until you did not show up. I loved you, and you, like your older brother, left me."

"Kevin." I say, "That is not true. I searched for you for months. And then, when we found out you were dead, I was heartbroken." I back up toward the far side of my room. "So will you please just leave me alone?"

He laughs and it is such a merciless sound, hollow and cold like marble. I scream as he pops his neck and continues to advance into the room. I continue to retreat until I smash into my dresser, sending the china doll that the real Kevin once bought me at a fair to it's death. It smashes as it hits the shiny wood floor. I look at Kevin, scared and pleading with him. I can't seem to picture myself hurting him. Even a possessed him. He was my boyfriend for a year, and after that he was my best friend besides Chloe until he was tortured and killed by Crowley. "I knew you could never do it." He says. "I knew you could never separate your friend's body from the demon inside of it."

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