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The boys came back with chips and cookies. Sam hands me a bag of sour gummy worms, which are my favorite snack. I take them and sit on the bed by Chloe. There is an awkward silence hanging in the room, like the feeling that you get when someone dies and you do not know what to say. In the room as we all look at each other trying to guess at what the others were thinking, I feel a shift occurring, that if unchecked, might be the end of my group of friends.

" We should get some rest " Dean said trying to make the awkwardness go away with a laugh. He quickly takes off his shirt, shoes, socks and belt. Sam takes off his shirt and shoes not meeting my eyes.  Chloe and Dean went to the bed near the door and bathroom. Sam and I claim the one next to the one next to the window.

Sam and I layed down next to each other awkwardly. I stared at the ceiling and try not to feel how hot the bed is. "I can sleep on the floor Cassie." He whispers. "If you need me to." His breath is hot on the side of my neck. I giggle a little bit. The strange feelings have faded a little, and the pit in my stomach is joined by butterflies.

"It is okay." I whisper back. I snuggle down in my covers.

"Cassie, are you mad?" he asks. I hear the worry in his voice.

"No." I whisper. "I am not mad at you at all." I whisper it with as much confidence as I can. My feelings towards Sam are a muddled mess, but anger is not in the mix.

"Thank you for healing me." He says. "You saved my life."

"Sam, I healed you because I need you in my life. I did it more for me then for you. You can always come back." I turn and look into his eyes. "I need you." I whisper.

He laughs a little as he strokes my hair, and slowly eases into sleep. I feel a tear land on my pillow. Why, with him asleep do feel like I am all alone? I fight the urge to shake him awake.

I turned a little the opposite way and prop my head up in my hand. I look over at the other bed. Dean and Chloe are as close as they can be to each other. Dean had his left arm under her neck and his left hand intertwining with hers. His right arm is hugging her and pulling her close. Her head was resting on his chest. I sat back down and looked at Sam. I did not know how I felt about him. But I know that one of those feeling was love.

I shake him awake. He opens his eyes and stare at me. "I can't sleep." I whisper lying down. I put my head on his shoulder, and he strokes my hair. I put my arm across his chest, resting my hand on the place that his tattoo is. I feel his heart beating, like a drum.

"I am right here." He whispers. "I will be here when you fall asleep and I will be here when you wake up.  I promise" For the first time in a long time, I feel safe enough to fall into a sleep that is not based off of total exhaustion.

Unfortunately no matter how safe I feel in Sam's arms, it all disappears as my dreams start to take shape.

I am sitting on a couch with Sam, Dean, Chloe and Noel. Cas walks in with my informant. We all have numbers over our heads. I am trying to figure out what they mean, and why Cas has a 1 and I have a 9. So how, I understand that these are years left to live. Then my informant hands me an interlocking wood puzzle. I give it a twist and the pieces fall apart.

A black key lands in my lap. "That key is worth 400 dollars." My informant tells me sternly. "You know what to do right?" I nod and stand up.

"Cassie no!" Cas shouts lunging for me. But he is too late. I plunge the sharp end of the key through my heart and pull it out, dripping in red. The numbers above out heads switch, his becoming a nine, and mine faded into nothing. The last thing I see as I lay dying is Dean, Chloe and Noel all looking down at me. Six black eyes, a family of demons.

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