Old Friends

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"Jocelyn." I hiss through clenched teeth. I toss my dagger from hand to hand menacingly.I am in the mood to kill someone and since Dean was off limits Jocelyn was just the person. Well, she was just the demon at least. 

"Cassie." She replies in her mockingly patronizing voice. "What's the matter? Are you lost without Chloe to hold your hand?" She laughs. "Everyone knows you are such a joke Cassie. Chloe is the only one with any real talent out of the two of you. You are just the pathetic charity case sidekick." She continues climbing the stairs. "Why don't you just leave her alone?" She flips her hair away from her face and watches me. She knows what she did. She just said out loud my worst fears. She fixes her Hunger Games tee shirt and waits for me to respond.

"Because it is more fun to kill dumb hat demons with your bestfriend." I say. "But killing them on your own is good practice." I add. The ball is back in her court. I wait to see what she will do.

"Is that what you are going to do Cassie?" She asks in the voice you would use with a small child. "Are you going to kill me?"

I nod. "Yes I am going to kill you. You are a demon and I kill demon pond scum spawn of satan such as you." I use Chloe's line and then shrug. "I am just doing my job." She laughs and spins a lazy kick to my face which I block easily. After that it is a full fledged fight.

I am losing, I manage to think as my angel blade goes skidding down the hallway out of my reach. The boys watch in horror from their doorway. Jocelyn made it to where they can see, but they cannot help me. She picks me up by my throat and slams me into the wall. I slide down and stare at her. "I have always wanted to taste angel blood. I hear it taste like honey. I can't wait." She opens up her mouth to clamp down on my throat, but suddenly stares up at the ceiling and releases her demon.

I look up to see Chloe swinging a knife back and forth like a pendulum. "Not to-day." She says in a sing songy voice. I get to my feet and hug her. "Thank you" We both turn to look at the boys. "So what did I miss?" Chloe asks.

"Why are you here?" Dean replies, looking at her like he cannot believe she is real.

"Mammon is a little bit preoccupied at the moment" She says. "I think he is still trying to undo the chains I used on his right hand man." She laughs. "He told me to slip into something comfortable and I said 'like a coma?" I laugh and nod.

"Nice." I say. I look at Dean, and slowly walk over to him. I punch him so hard that he goes spinning into the door frame. "What is you problem?" I scream. "Whatever it is get it in order." I turn and walk down the hall.

"Where are you going?" Chloe calls.

"To see some old friends" I say without turning around.

"You have friends in Vegas?" Dean asks, his voice odd because he is holding his cheek.

"I have friends everywhere Dean Winchester." I reply, still walking down the hall.

"I'll come with you." Sam offers again.

"Sorry, my friends do not like strangers." I say getting to the steps. I look over at the three of them.

"Cassie it is almost 2 am." Chloe says, worry in her eyes.

"My friends are really early risers." I say smirking and nodding my head a little. "It will all be good." I hop onto the stair rail and slide down. "I always wanted to do that." I say to no one as I run out the door.

I cross the street and get into the driver's seat of my car. I drum the steering wheel for a few minutes and let myself cry. Because for the first time in a long time, I could feel fear creeping into the back of my mind. Fear that if I failed, Chloe and Noel would both live, stuck in Hell with no hope of ever getting out.

I rub my eyes angrily and start the car. I have no emotion. I tell myself as I back out of the parking spot. I throw the gearshift into drive and hit the gas. The engines revved loudly and a girl standing directly in front of my headlights freezes, her eyes on mine. I turn sharply to the left to avoid hitting her and crash into a street lamp instead. The airbag goes off in my face and I struggle to move, to breath, to do anything.

At last it deflates and I get out of the car and walk around to the front. The hood is crumpled like an accordion and steam rises from the hood in hot thick columns. The windshield is covered in spider web fractures, but still in place. I scream loudly and sob. The girl is nowhere to be seen and I am glad I am alone to mourn my loss. I fully realize that sobbing over a car is an ungrateful thing to do when you gat out pretty much unscratched. But Cas and I built Violet. She was one of the few things I had left to cling to.

I pat her roof gently and nod. I will be back for her. Then I turn my back and walk away. I walk into a dark alley and spread my wing. Cas designed this outfit so that I can wear it and have my wings out. Running to get a head start, I jump effortlessly onto the wind.

Within moments I had left the bright Vegas and was heading into the bleak darkness of the countryside. I fly north for half an hour, then shift my wings to fly east. Before I know it, I am touching down on a little farm in the middle of nowhere. A man dressed totally in white looks up and raises his hand in greeting. I wave back and slowly walk towards him, careful to not disturb any of the giant gray mounds.

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