Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jem's POV

When I get to the train, I have Della direct me to my room. I basically throw myself upon it and bury my face in the pillow to cry. Dath being beaten in front of me right after he tried to kiss me. I nearly smile at the thought of our kiss. I've been lying to myself if I thought I could only see him as a friend. It was always too dangerous and the age difference made things awkward. I wonder how he's feeling right now, both emotionally and physically after being struck in the head with the Peacekeeper's baton. Is he going out of his mind like I am about what nearly happened?

I sit up and wipe the tears from my eyes. Alright, Jem. You had your moment, it's time to pull yourself together. I walk into the bathroom to splash water on my face. I take a look at my appearance and cringe. I look terrible! Stupid mirror. I splash more water on my face to try and eradicate the spots from my face. Of course, they remain. The mirror hates me.

I leave the bathroom and bad-luck mirror behind so I may change into more comfortable clothes. I put on a pair of light blue pants and a darker blue shirt of a very soft material. It's weird to put on clothing that doesn't have sand in it. With a sigh, I walk out of my quarters and out to the main car. I take a seat by the window to watch the beautiful scenery pass by. The clouds are white and fluffy, the sun peaking out from behind the mountains in the distance. The scene reminds me of a painting and it relaxes me. It's strange how the earth continues its beautiful cycle even when your life feels like it's falling apart.

Eventually my district's mentor, Lila Teal, enters and takes a seat across from me. "Jem, listen to me. Everything is going to be okay." She gives me a hand sign, and I recognize it from 13. She's one of us. My eyes widen; how did they get her here? She gives me a wink and leans in closer. "I am going to do everything in my power to help you get out alive."

I can only nod. She gives me a small smile before she leaves, and I am alone with my thoughts once more. I'm eventually summoned for dinner, and when I step into the dining car my jaw drops in awe. Food is spread everywhere across a beautiful mahogany table, and I gorge myself on the assortment. I feel so full, that I am actually regretting that last slice of pie. I'm not even sure I can move, but I force myself and I walk with my district partner to the viewing car. Ah, the recap of the reapings, all a part of the sick entertainment that is the Hunger Games.

The program starts off with District One, who worry me with their tough exteriors. They look sharp, especially the female, and both are very attentive to their surroundings. They will be difficult opponents in the arena. District Two's female is small and appears nervous. She doesn't worry me as much, but I shouldn't underestimate her. She could be using it as a strategy by appearing weak. Collin is the male tribute!? What?! I can't believe it. How did this happen? Two of us?! The only comfort I have is that I'll have an ally. Him and aren't close, but Meg trusts him fully and he's always been team oriented. He shouldn't leave me behind...I hope. District Three is next, and the girl is young. That makes me sad, these games are rigged against the younger ages. They're easier targets, and the careers love taking them out. It's sick. The Karter. The. Fuck. Three of us? Impossible, this is too coincidental for this to be an accident or by chance. They know who we are...

My district is next, and I watch as I take the stage. I don't look nearly as frightened as I felt, thank goodness. I don't want to be picked as an easy target. Jace, my district partner, did well keeping his emotions in check too.

District Five has two average looking kids, nothing remarkable about either except they look terrified. District Six is next, and Chrystal is their female tribute! This is NOT good. The only one left of the team is Meg. I don't know what's going to happen if she's going in with us. The remainder of the districts bring a good mix of tributes, which means surviving will be tough. Great. District 11. I'm disappointed to see Meg take the stage. How did the rebels even let her name into the bowl!? You'd think with how important she is, they would've made sure her name wasn't in there at all, Capitol knowing us or not! It just doesn't make sense. I can't imagine Meg in the games, she's just too badass! Wait, that makes no sense. Too badass for the games? Ugh, it feels like the Capitol is already messing with my head!

I am proud that she keeps her expression ice-cold. She's handling this better than I could've imagined. She looks intimidating, I just hope this doesn't place a target on her back. The careers like to take out the strongest and weakest in the beginning, making winning for them easier. I also hope that she wasn't carrying a knife on her like she does normally, else she'd have bigger problems than the games.

I see Lila looking at me, and I remember. With Meg, that makes the whole team. Everyone was reaped this year. Lila even appears concerned. The Capitol knows who we are, which means they probably know more. This is really bad! Worse than bad! This is God-awful, terribly horrible, really bad!

I leave the screening room immediately after the recaps and into my bedroom. I wish there was a way for me to contact the team, or even command so we can begin planning. I also wonder how they're all taking the news, and if they've already begun to formulate a plan. Knowing Meg and Collin, I'd say yes. Lastly, I think of my family. What's going to happen to them if I don't come back? I know if I somehow make it out as a victor, I couldn't go back to the Rebels. It would be too dangerous for my family, and dangerous for me as well. If I win, that means I've killed their mockingjay. Then there's Dath... I don't know if there could be anything between us then. As for right now though, I know how he feels about me and that gives me some comfort. I have that to hold on to. My eyelids droop, and I fall into a restless sleep.

Dath's POV

I sit on my plain yellow couch, staring at the black-screened television. I can't draw my eyes from the blank screen. We were way off in our predictions. My entire team was reaped and all are going into the games. Fuck. I run my fingers through my unruly hair.

My mom is doing something in the kitchen, washing dishes by the sound of it. She's quietly humming as she washes. If Jem was still here, she'd probably be assisting, humming to the same song and may even begin to sing a few lines. I miss her already, and I know mom does too. Cleaning helps keep her mind busy, and off what just happened.

A knock on the door draws my eyes away from the blank screen. I look through the view-hole and Levi stands on the other side. That's odd, I thought he was still in District 13. I open the door and instantly take note of his disheveled appearance.

"Levi, what are you doing he-" He cuts me off.

"Dude, hurry. Get your mom. We have to go. Peacekeepers are after you." I instantly run and grab my mom. She leaves the dishes sitting in the soapy water, and we disappear into the night with Levi by our sides.

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