Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

~Meg's P.O.V.~

I climb back up the stairs to the top of the lighthouse where I found Jem with Collin following a few steps behind me. Backup? I don't know why he insisted on staying with me. Jem's relief of having the additional person may be the only real reason I relented and didn't argue about him remaining here. I really do need to speak with Command, and it would be easier to do it in secret. Our leaders have done an excellent job at keeping their identities hidden, and I'm not about to be the one who blows it for them.

I reach the top and admire the view once more. I wish I could stay up here all day, the view is breathtaking and the breeze cools the balminess of the air. "Wow." Collin whispers, stepping up to my side. I nod, not wanting to break the peace up here.

Eventually, I sigh and walk out to the railing, leaving Collin behind me in the lantern room. I pull out the communicator from my pocket, entering the scramble frequency to the Command Center. A raspy male voice answers. I update him that our meeting has completed, and we will be returning to our respective districts within the hour. I only say that because it's protocol, we sometimes stay for several hours. The commander signs off seconds later. Best not to test the odds by staying on longer than necessary, even with the scramble codes Beetee created for us.

I peer back into the room behind me, Collin is moving about the extinguished torch of the lighthouse. His attention fixed on the mechanism of it and I watch him reach up, grasping at a part only for him to pull it off. I smile at his mortified expression, and I can't help but admire the rest of him. I can't deny it, he is easy on the eyes with his sandy hair, hazel eyes, broad shoulders.. Stop! My head snaps back towards the view of the ocean. No point in going down that road. I can't afford to look at him like that. He's my teammate, and that is a line we cannot cross. Not with the Rebellion hanging in the balance.

It doesn't take long for him to join me by the railing. He rests his forearms against it, and I turn my gaze to his hands. Scars speckle across them, and I want to run my fingers over them. To feel the raised marks against his tanned skin. My eyes begin to move tracking up his wrists, that are crossed as he leans on the rail and then further upwards to his forearms. Faint blond hair covering the corded muscles beneath.

I feel his eyes on me now, and I meet his heated gaze. My breath hitches, he's never looked at me with such intensity before. I watch as that melted copper gaze flickers to my lips before reconnecting with my eyes. He hesitantly leans in, brushing his lips against mine. My eyes widen at the contact, my mind blanks and my lips don't reciprocate. Collin just kissed me! He pulls away at my lack of response. I look at him in shock. Oh my God! I need to find Jem.

I move away from him, nearly tripping backwards as I do. I catch myself before he can reach out a hand. I turn on my heel and start running down the stairs and out of the lighthouse. I can hear him call after me, but I don't slow my pace.

I head in the direction of the cove, and I can see the others in the distance nestled in the shade under the rockface. I spot Jem, laughing at something Dath says. When I finally reach her, I'm out of breath and I can see the worry in her gaze. "Jem. I need to speak with you." I say, pulling her away from Dath and Karter.

~Jem's P.O.V.~

Movement catches my attention away from the boys. My smile drops as I spot Meg running towards me. Alone. Where is Collin? Disturbing thoughts start running through my mind. Was it Peacekeepers? Did Collin get arrested? Oh my God, if he was arrested he's going to be executed... or worse!

"Jem. I need to speak with you." Meg pants, arriving at my side. She pulls me away from the others.

"Meg, what is it? What's wrong?" I'm almost afraid of her answer.

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