Chapter 27

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Day 6

Jem's POV

The sun is just creeping over the horizon, painting the sky in bright oranges and pinks. I sit up in a panic, thinking I must have fallen asleep during my watch. I quickly assess my surroundings, counting out my squad members, making sure they remain accounted for. It's hard to make Collin out, sitting on the edge of the perimeter. Relief courses through me, I didn't sleep through the watch, I wasn't woken up to take my volunteered shift.

I slowly approach him, quietly calling out his name to not startle him. "Collin." He doesn't move. "Collin." I repeat. His head turns in my direction, "You need to get some sleep. You should've woken me." He goes back to looking over the shadowed woods, releasing a tired sigh. He's slow to stand, likely from being in the same position all night.

He brushes my shoulder as he walks past me, and drops next to a restless Meg, pulling her into him. He settles immediately, and is asleep in minutes. I climb to Meg's lookout tree, resting my back against the large trunk, and watch the sky change as the sun rises further into the sky. A rather peaceful sight for the brutal place we've been thrown into.

It's several hours before anyone down below begins to stir. The first being Chrystal. She appears as confused as I did when I first woke up. She catches my stare and I motion to Collin, still wrapped around Meg. She figures out that he was up all night with a nod. I look back over the trees, soft sounds of our camp waking below.

I remain unmoving until something hits the tree by my head, snapping me from my watch induced haze. I look down, Jace has another rock at the ready in his hand. I climb down the tree, careful to avoid Meg and Collin, still asleep. Karter and Jace volunteer to spy on the other tributes, which I grant permission. Chrystal and I stay at camp, watching over our sleeping team leaders.

They remain wrapped around each other. It's no surprise they like each other. Meg and Collin have been team leaders for the last two years and have been training together for longer. I also can't help the twinge of jealousy seeing the two of them together like this. Meg has to be the most secretive person I know, and Collin is the most standoffish. How is it they can cover the distance, in the games no less, while my heart is still in District Four? Seeing them makes me wish I was back in Four, Dath at my side, sitting on the beach or swimming in the ocean; laughing and talking without a care in the world.

My reminiscing is cut short when Jace and Karter come barreling through the brush. Chrystal and I immediately stand, hands reaching for our weapons. "What is it? What's wrong?" I ask, eyes moving behind them, waiting for some enemy to appear.

Jace waves off any sort of attack, still gasping to catch his breath. "Wake up Meg and Collin. They're going to want to hear this."

I nudge them both awake, and they jump in surprise seeing how close they are to each other. Meg recovers first. "What's wrong?"

"The other alliance. They've set up camp about 150 yards away from our position." Karter says, stepping in closer to me.

Collin immediately reaches for his sword. "We need to move."

"Wait." Meg halts him with a hand on his arm. She turns to Jace and Karter. "Do they seem to know we're here?"

"Not to our knowledge."

"Then I see no reason for us to move yet. Our camp is still heavily concealed, not to mention we outnumber them in both strength and numbers." Collin settles back down next to her. "We'll need to keep a close eye on them, make sure they aren't getting too close."

"Agreed." Collin states, standing up. "Jace, you're with me. Meg, you can guard from your tree while the others try to conceal the camp further."

The day goes by fast and I'm fairly proud how well we were able to hide the camp. I'm just about to call out for Meg to come down when a cannon booms in the distance. The worst immediately comes to mind. What if it's one of the boys? By the change in Meg's posture, I can see her thinking the same.

There's no additional noises or cannons. I see Meg slide from her perch to land softly on the ground, bow at the ready. There's a slight rustling to the left, and out from the brush is Jace and Collin.

"Collin." Meg whispers, dropping her bow. She runs to him, pulling him into a hug. His arms wrap around her, but soon releases her with a solemn look on his face.

"Who's dead?" I ask, assuming they know.

"District 11." Jace says, looking at Meg. "I'm so sorry Meg, there was nothing we could do, unless we gave up our position. We couldn't risk it. The girl from 10 has an electrified whip." Meg buries her face into Collin's chest.

That night we see Meg's district partner in the sky. Meg still insists on keeping watch, regardless of the loss. Life goes on. So she says. I don't sleep well, but we are approaching the possible end of my days. I don't hold out much hope that the rebels will intervene in time, or if they do at all.

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