Chapter 21: The Games

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Meg's POV

I'm up at six, just as the first light enters my living quarters. I lay on my back, hands behind my head just staring up at the ceiling. I barely slept last night. Too many unanswered questions in my mind, and plain curiosity of what hellish things I'm going to be walking into.

I lay there for close to 30 minutes by the time I force myself out of bed to get some food in me. I only manage to eat a bowl of cereal and down some orange juice with the rolling in my stomach. I head back to my room to revel in my last shower for a while, and to change into some comfortable, loose fitting clothes. I'll get my designated outfit when I get transported under the arena.

Haymitch comes by about 7:30, and enters the room with a weary expression on his face. He tells me it's time to go and he walks me up to the roof.

"Meg." I look over at him. "You can do this." He pulls something out of his shirt pocket before handing it to me. It's my dad's necklace. I thought I lost it before the opening ceremonies. "I found this in your bathroom on the train. I figured you'd want it as your district token." I stare down at the single pendant charm, my dad's favorite verse engraved in the metal. The last thing I have from before.

I look back up to Haymtich, tears collecting in my eyes. "Thank you." I whisper, slipping the chain over my head. I give him a tight hug, noticing the alcohol stench not as potent as normal. He pulls away to tell me to stay alive one last time. He pats me on the cheek and releases me so I can board the hovercraft.

I don't look back to my old friend and long-time mentor. I board my transport and hold out my arm so they can inject my tracker. They leave me alone afterwards, and I try not to dwell too much that I'm being flown to the arena where I may live out my last days inside. I close my eyes and prepare for the incoming fight.

Jem's POV

I'm showered, dressed and fed by 6:30. I woke up early, and was unable to fall asleep with the looming threat of being sent into the arena. I currently sit on the bed in my quarters, legs bouncing while trying to keep myself sane.

Lila comes in just before seven, and takes a seat next to me. "I want to give you something. It's from your district." She pulls out a knotted fishnet bracelet and I look at it in shock. "Dath and your family want you to wear it as your token." I take the bracelet, very thankful to have something from home. I put it on and have to tighten it to fit better around my wrist. I really don't want to lose this. I thank Lila for this precious gift.

"Jem." I look at her. "You're going to be okay. I promise. You've got your team." She gives me a one armed hug. "I know you'll make us all proud."

I nod, standing. "Are you walking with me up to the hovercraft?" She nods and rides with me to the roof where the hovercraft waits. She pulls me into a tight hug.

"You can do this. You'll get out of this." She tilts her head to whisper in my ear. "Protect Meg, at all costs." I don't know what she means by this, but I nod as I pull away. She gives me a wink and I board the hovercraft where I'm instantly injected with the tracker. I see Collin and take a seat near him.

I look down at my reddened forearm and I can feel the tracker in my arm. Has to be the strangest feeling ever. I look around the confined space we're being loaded into, and I feel like I'm in a prison cell. There's even a peacekeeper in front of me, gun in hand. Yup. Just like a prison.

One by one, we're all loaded up and injected with trackers, until no seats remain. We finally take off, leaving the training center and the central city of the Capitol. I spare a glance at Meg, and she has her eyes closed. She almost appears to be asleep, but I know better. She's trying to clear her mind and get into 'the zone' like she does before every mission.

We're in the air for about 20 minutes and the windows around us seem to darken further, making sure our view of the arena is completely cut off. We're dropped off in the underground tunnels and are escorted by Peacekeepers to our designated areas. Can't have us fighting before the televised event.

I open my door and Barty is already there waiting for me next to a clothing rack with my arena attire. I take a breath, grabbing for the clothes and changing. I wear a dark pair of cargo pants, an olive v-neck shirt of a lightweight material and a matching olive green jacket. Light but can either keep heat in or release it. Huh.. can't be a tundra or desert. Jungle or woods if I can guess correctly. I also pull on some comfortable lace up boots that blend into the color of my pants. These too are lightweight, and the soles will be great for running.

I return to the main room and take a seat on the couch in front of Barty. He instantly begins to comb my hair and style it. He does a basket weave type style on top with rubber bands and pulls the remainder back with a simple ponytail. At least my hair is out of my face and off my neck.

I stand and he comes around to my side of the couch before pulling me into an awkward hug. I force myself to return it. Who knows when I'll get another hug. Love my team, but we're not really the touchy feely type... Well, I am but the others, not so much.

"You were the best tribute that I have ever worked with." He tells me as he pulls away from me. I can easily tell that he's lying, especially when he looks towards a camera. This guy is just looking for a promotion. I smile to humor him anyway. Whatever, this'll be the last I see him.

"30 Seconds." A voice comes from the tube beside me. I step out of Barty's reach and walk into the tube. I step onto the plate and the tube closes around me. My anxiety spikes, but I keep looking forward and raise my chin a little higher. I see Barty wave in the reflection before leaving. Wow, not even going to stay with me. Asshole.

I nearly jump when the plate begins to rise. I get pushed out into the open air and I have to close my eyes against the bright sun. I notice the small breeze and when I open my eyes I see it for the first time. I am now in the arena and the games are about to begin.

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