Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

We look at each other for a moment, not really sure how we should start. I find it a bit asinine that Rebel Command wants every team to try and schedule a meeting every month. There isn't that much to report considering that we are one of the youngest squads. All but Dath are under 19. It was surprising when they placed us together, but I can see the benefit now. With Meg training to be the new Mockingjay, she couldn't appear to be a child amongst adults. With us surrounding her, it provides a good image for her and it helps recruitment within the younger generation.

"So, the Reaping is tomorrow. Do you think any of us will get picked?" I ask, I know it's silly for me to ask..but I feel like maybe it could give us all some reassurance just to hear someone else say that it won't be one of us.

"Well....." Dath starts to say, a mischievous smile forming. We all groan. Here he goes again. It was funny the first time he made the joke, but now it's become annoying. Truthfully, I find it endearing.

"Please Dath, we don't want to -'' Meg starts, getting cut off by Dath rambling on about how the Capitol wouldn't want to destroy his face. Again.

I look around my team. Collin has his face in his hands, probably trying to block out Dath's ramblings. Meg leans over and whispers something in his ear that causes him to chuckle. He says something back to her, but I'm unable to make it out with Dath still rambling next to me. I catch Meg's eye and she winks at me before returning her attention to Collin.

There's a close connection between those two, but they'll probably never do anything about it. They're too devoted to the cause and each for different reasons. Meg is a survivor of District 12, making it through the same attack that killed Katniss and Peeta; something she told me in confidence when I stayed with her during one of our visits to 13. Collin is from District Two, which is odd because we rarely get recruits from Two. From what I know about him, he's not only rebelling against the Capitol, but his own family. Due to the secrecy of the whole debacle, none of us can actually say anything to our families. Some do know, as they are rebels themselves. For example, Beth knows and is a rebel. I'm certain Meg's family knows and Karter's mom also knows.

About ten minutes pass, and Dath has continued ranting on. I can't do this anymore, so I tackle him off the couch, which is rather impressive. I weigh 105 pounds soaking wet, but I catch him by surprise which is enough to get his much larger frame onto the ground. He lands with an oomph.

I wrestle with him on the floor trying to get him to shut up. He puts up just enough of a fight to humor me, but doesn't actually try to get me off him. I hate it when they do that. I finally get him pinned on the ground, and I feel him resisting. I'm sitting on his stomach, my foot is holding down his left arm while my left hand holds down the other. I grind my foot into his wrist while I take my free hand and clamp it over his mouth. It is then, he finally stops struggling.

We stare at each other, and I realize how close my face is to his. I also notice without his ramblings, the room has gone completely silent as our team stares at us. We look to the others. Meg and Collin are staring at us, bewildered looks on both their faces. Karter's mouth has formed a perfect 'O' shape. Meg and Collin look from us to Karter, back to us then back to Karter before they begin laughing. Karter slowly closes his mouth, turning bright red as he does. This only causes them to laugh harder and lean against each other for support.

I look down at Dath feeling the large smile under my hand. I remove it and he asks me for a kiss before puckering up.

I jump off Dath who has joined in the laughter and I can feel the blush creeping onto my face. Why do I always blush at the worst times?! Meg takes one look at me and nearly falls off her chair laughing. I clench my fists, barrel up the stairs and out the trap door before Dath is even off the floor. "Jem!" I hear him yell but I slam the sound-proof door and keep running.

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