Chapter 16: Training

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Chapter 16

Jem's POV

I wake up to the morning light streaming in through the large window. I sit up and stretch my arms above my head, sighing at the cracks in my shoulders and back. Ah, so satisfying. I see an outfit, already laid out on the foot of my bed. I nearly jump out of the bed to get a peak at them. I know, it's crazy, a trained killer for the Rebellion likes new clothes. Shoot me....erm, that was a poor choice of words.

I quickly change out of my pajamas and into my training outfit. The gray shirt is made from a dry-fit material and hugs my body without being restrictively tight. I notice the '4' stamped onto the upper back to help the gamemakers tell us apart. I pull the black pants over my toned legs, and notice the tightness of them. I do a few lunges, and enjoy the stretch in the material. I see a pair of black and gray training shoes on the floor, and pull them on my feet. They're comfortable and light, perfect for training.

I walk into my connected bathroom to put my hair up in a ponytail, thankful to have the hair off of my neck and out of my face. I look at my appearance in the mirror and decide to wash my face, and brush my teeth before attempting to venture out into public.

I feel refreshed and ready to go as I walk down to the dining room, and enjoy the smell of food when I arrive. There's an assortment of fruits, eggs and toast to feast upon. I load my plate with a steaming pile of scrambled eggs, a piece of white toast, and a large spoonful of fruit. I pour myself a large glass of orange juice as well to help wash the food down. I'm just beginning to dig in when Jace walks into the room. He fills his own plate up with enough eggs he could slide down them, before taking a seat across from me.

"Why were you jumping on the bed last night?" I ask when he takes his seat. We didn't have much of an opportunity to speak last night after dinner or after the replays from opening ceremonies. I nearly ran to my bedroom when the program concluded so I could get some sleep before training today. I have to make a good impression with the gamemakers and so I don't look weak when forming an alliance with my team.

"I don't know, it seemed fun." He responds quietly. He meets my eye and we share a smile and then a laugh. We return to our silence, and begin to eat our breakfast in a comfortable silence. I think we would have been friends back home with his easy going personality.

Lila eventually finds us still sitting at the table, and her voice takes a shrill tone as she reminds us training is at 11, and that we don't want to be late. I look at the clock and we have 15 minutes, I lift myself from my chair with a sigh, and head back to my room to brush my teeth again.

I end up waiting by the elevator doors for Jace, who returns a minute after me. He pushes the button and we head down to the training floor together. The doors open to the open training room, and we are the first to arrive. We take our time to look around the room, and see the various stations setup including a large obstacle course. It takes a few minutes for the others to begin pouring in, and I notice Karter shows up last. I wonder what kept him, he's usually early to things. I bet he overslept, with how comfortable the beds are here. 

Our trainer, Atla, introduces herself, and motions for us to circle around her. She tells us to not ignore our survival skills, and to try everything, for you may not know you have a talent for something. I spot Meg standing a few tributes down on my right side, her hair braided over her shoulder. We're all dressed alike with our District numbers stamped on our backs. Chrystal, Karter and Collin are spread out around the room. Chrystal gives me a small reassuring smile, and I can't help but return it. I begin to look around the room, seeing the tributes in person instead of through the television somehow makes this more real. I'm actually going into the Hunger Games. Atla eventually dismisses us, and we all disperse throughout the room.

The team and I decide to split up, trying not to be too obvious that we know each other, even though there's a suspicion they know us. Best not make it worse for ourselves. I end up going back and forth between knife throwing and camouflage. Meg goes over to the archery station and starts showing everyone up. Probably not the best idea for her to do so, but then again, if she shows competency with the weapon, she's almost guaranteed a bow in the arena. I don't have to worry about that with knives, there's always knives due to their variety of uses.

Collin goes over to the rows of swords and axes, showing all of his District Two training. Even though the Districts are technically not supposed to train their tributes, the Districts of One and Two are known for it. I remember when he showed up in 13, and already had some form of formal training. He was way ahead of us when we were just starting out. He occasionally goes over to Meg at the archery station, talking about who knows what. I spot Karter working with traps and snares, and Chrystal is over at the edible plants selection table. We continue in our selected stations until we break for lunch.

We sit together with our meal trays and begin talks of an alliance. I spot Jace, standing awkwardly by himself, looking for a place to sit. He catches my glance and I motion him over to sit with us. He gives a shy smile, and sits down next to me. I quickly introduce him to the others, and Meg instantly reaches out to shake his hand before asking him if he wants to join our alliance. He accepts the offer, and begins asking about our skills. Meg responds that she's good with a bow, Collin with a sword, Karter excels at traps, Chrystal with edible plants and me with knives. We all have basic first aid training, but they typically come to me when we don't have a medic on standby.

Jace looks at us in shock, I don't think he was expecting us to be so... prepared, and already falling into a comfortable routine with one another. Collin turns the question around on Jace, asking about his skills. He explains that his family makes nets, so has skill with knot tying and that he has a little skill with a trident, but not much. He could still be useful, especially if willing to learn with the trident more. I catch Meg's eyes, and I see her signature smirk forming before she gives me an approving nod. I know she's thinking the same, and I can tell she wants to see his skill progress.

After lunch, Atla lines us up to start going through the obstacle course. I'm towards the middle of the group watching the others make their way through. Some struggle to get through the course without being hit by the moving arms and a few even fall off onto the mats. I'm so focused on watching the girl from One that I nearly jump out of my skin when Meg whispers in my ear.

"I like Jace, he could be useful." This only confirms the approving nod from lunch.

When it's my turn to make my way through the course, I breeze through it. My small stature and my ability to stay light on my feet allow me to complete the course without much difficulty. Meg follows after me, and she struggles until she gets a read on the obstacles. Ignoring her slight stumble at the beginning, she makes her way through the course without difficulty and nearly flawlessly. Am I jealous? Yes, yes I am.

We're released from training once the last tribute makes their way through, and we're escorted back to our floors. The routine repeats over the next three days and before I know it, I'm sitting and waiting for my private session with the gamemakers. I can't help but feel nervous, I have to perform my best, I need that score for any chance of sponsors. Not only for me, but for the team as well. No pressure or anything.

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