Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Collin's POV

When I get to the train, I head straight to my room. I get direction from our escort, not bothering to meet our mentor or my district partner. I don't need any additional advice, I know enough already thanks to my training with the Rebellion and what we receive in District Two. Our district loves the games, and we train everyone to compete in them. To win without remorse. We fully live up to the name of the careers with our extensive training with a plethora of different weapons. It's no surprise we won the last two years. Both times, the tributes were vicious and killed without mercy, just as they were trained to do. That mentality is part of the reason I decided to join the rebels. There's very few of us that are in the underground workings of District Two, most are too brainwashed to realize what they're training us up to be.

When I reach my room, I change out of my nice clothes, opting for some gray training shorts and a basic black t-shirt. I lay back on my bed, staring at the hanging light, swaying slightly as the train rocks gently. I know I can win this thing, I'm already at an advantage over the others. I've been training for years, and have seen combat before. I don't worry myself thinking of the other competition, I'll find that out after dinner tonight.

I do think of Meg again, and our kiss yesterday. I know I took her by surprise by kissing her, and her reaction was not what I was expecting. Shock? Yes. Her taking off and not acknowledging it, no. I can't deny, it hurt when she just left me there. I feel like it would've hurt less if she punched me in the face.

I know how dangerous it is for us to pursue anything with each other considering our roles in the Rebellion. Distractions like this can get you killed, but the distraction of me not making my feelings known can also make it dangerous. To me, she's worth the risk, and she has been for the past two years now. She's incredible and amazing with a bow. Her entire being is intoxicating to be around, and when she graces you with one of her rare, genuine smiles... she's just incredible, and completely unattainable. I should've known better, that she'd never do anything to risk her role in the Rebellion.

I wonder how she'll react when she sees that I'm in the games. Knowing her, she'll consult Jem and then do the exact opposite of the advice she's given. I also think about the rest of my team, and how they'll be with one of us in the games. Will they continue on, business as usual, or will they take vigil by the television to watch if I live or die. I wonder how quickly I'll be replaced if I don't make it out of the arena.

My thoughts are interrupted when my Septimus knocks on my door to escort me down to dinner. Finally, I'm starving. I walk behind Septimus, staring at his deep green hair as we walk to the dining car. I'm the first to arrive and my eyes catch on the food. My district isn't poor by any means, but this... I've never seen such a large variety of food for one meal.

I take a seat at the head of the table, staring at the dishes. Mashed potatoes, so buttery I can see it sitting in a pool atop the whipped potatoes. There's a large assortment of meats, all seasoned differently. The smell alone makes my mouth water. Vegetables of different shapes, sizes and consistencies are spread between the entrees. I begin to load my plate when my stocky mentor and district partner arrive. I dig in and a moan escapes me. The food is impeccable. I'm on the verge of being full when dessert is brought out. Cakes and pies and sweets galore. I overindulge to the point of nausea, but it's so worth it. I'd believe anything they told me if this was my food everyday too.

When we finish dinner, and the last of the dishes taken from in front of us, we venture to a sitting room with a projector to watch the recaps of the Reapings. I sit the farthest away from the others, not wanting to socialize with them. The anthem plays and the introductions are made, then the scene shifts to the glorious District One.

They have a good pair. The girl is very attentive with sharp eyes that flit about, taking in her surroundings. The boy has a lean, muscular build. He'll likely do well in a close quarter fight. My district is next, and I'm proud that I appear almost bored with the selection. District Three's girl is small, and very young. 12-13 if I had to guess. My eyebrows furrow as Karter's name is drawn. It's rare for one, let alone two of us to be reaped. I watch as Karter begins to cry. Those can't be real, what is he playing at? Jem is the girl tribute for District Four. What. The. Fuck. Three of us now, this is too many to be a coincidence. We either have a leak, or the incident this spring just screwed all of us. Jem's district partner is young as well, and very small. I shake my head. District Five has two average looking teenagers, and they both appear terrified. Not that I blame them. District Six, I clench my jaw. Chrystal. She wasn't with us this spring, meaning we have a leak somewhere. There's no way they would've known her association with us. The boy tribute appears malnourished and underfed. He won't last long. I zone out for the rest of the districts, who would betray us like this? I just have a feeling, it's someone in my team... but who? I look up to the sound of Meg's name. I watch her walk to the stage, her face blank. I know this is her putting on a brave face, so show them she isn't afraid. I know her though, I see the rigidness of her stature that shows she's either raging internally, is shoving down her fear, or both. They select the male tribute, and his large frame towers over Meg as they shake hands. He'll be hard to take down, I just hope we aren't the ones that'll have to do it.

The anthem plays again and then the final sign off for the night. It's only the beginning of the festivities for the week, and they promise this year's games to be one to remember. This only confirms my suspicions that this was intentional. My entire team is now in the games, and there's a traitor in our midst. Now I have to think of a way to flush them out and show their true colors. The announcer was right, this will be the year to remember. We're going to crack their corruption wide open, for the entire country to see.

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