Chapter 16

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I push passed Thor as I head to Nick's office.
"Lady Sarah, whereabouts are you heading? We must leave immediately." Thor yells as I can hear him and Loki following me.
"Nick." I knock and go into his office.
"Ah, Sarah, its nice to be able to finally call you that."
"No time for the casualties. Odin is summoning Loki and I to Asgard."
"Well, I am just not sure I'm okay with letting you go."
"I'm not sure he's asking, Uncle Nick."
"Uncle? Is the leader with the eye patch some form of relative?" Thor asks puzzlingly.
"No Thor, it is just merely a name she calls him. It only shows their relationship with one another." Loki states.
"Actually, that isn't quite true." I whisper.
"She is right. She calls me Uncle Nick, but I adopted Sarah whenever she was twelve years old. I let her live with her grandmother so she could stay with someone she knew, but I am her guardian. She is my baby girl, and I'm not sure I'm OK with you two taking her to a place I have never been myself." I am almost shocked by what Uncle Nick says. Its been a long time since he has told anyone about this. He only did so because he saw right through me, he knew I would be someone someday. Plus, the courts wouldn't give my grandma custody of me due to the fact that she was older and didn't have the funds. So, Uncle Nick supplied my grandma with money for me, and looked out for me until she was gone. He tried reasoning with me several times, and when I finally came to my senses, he told me everything. And I'm fine with it.
"So you mean to tell me that Sarah is your daughter?" Loki asks in disbelief.
"I am his daughter. I call him Uncle when no one is really around because we don't want anyone to question his decision to put me on the team. They would say its too emotional, and that he is choosing his family over someone else. If Uncle Nick isn't okay with me going, then I am staying here." I state.
"But I do not wish to leave without you." Loki's eyes plead with me.
"Lady Sarah, the All-Father insists on your presence. He wishes to meet the woman responsible for Loki's recent behavior." Thor states commandingly.
"Do not raise your tone in my office Thor. For all I know, she will go with you and never come back." Nick stands facing Thor. For a moment, they square off, almost as if they are communicating without saying a word.
"Uncle Nick, its OK." I touch his arm. He looks at me and stands down. "Thor, how long will I be gone?"
"I am not aware of when we will return."
"Well then, I want to be back in no less than three days. I'm not sure how time works there considering it is a different realm and all. But I mean three days time here. 72 hours. Or I'm not going. That's final." I stand back with my hands on my hips.
"I see why you fancy lady Sarah." Thor chuckles, nudging loki, who is smiling like an idiot. "Alright lady Sarah, you have my word." He smiles, which is strangely reassuring. I have barely known him for a year and even with me being here so long he is never around. Maybe I will get a chance to know him this way, in his own realm. I run over to Nick and embrace him tightly.
"Please be safe baby girl." He whispers, and even though no one else can hear him, I can hear the emotion in his voice. Most think him to be emotionless, overly secretive, and they would be right. They just don't see what I see. He's like the one man I could count on in my life. The only stable role model I had. I don't talk about it much or think about it due to the fact that I fear he will be reprimanded. That he will not be taken seriously for having his daughter on his team of "Avengers."
"Lady Sarah, we must be off." Thor states. I let go of nick, kiss his cheek, and follow Thor outside to the jet landing strip on the boat. Loki grabs me by the waist and pulls me against him.
"What are you doing?" I ask, wondering why he suddenly wanted to be close to him.
"You are going to want to hold on." He smirks. I am very confused. Thor grabs my shoulder and Loki grabs Thor's side. He hoists his hammer, Mjölnir, into the air.
"Heimdall, open the bifrost." And with these words, the winds crashes down around us. I can feel my body, the particles of my soul being whipped through time and space. I can see all of the realms. I see earth, then I see what I presume to be Asgard, or at least that's what my gut is telling me it is. The air is shimmering with speckles of light, the navy blue and deep purple shades contrast perfectly to make this the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. If I were to reach my hand out, it almost seems as if I could touch each realm. Hold them in my hands. I looks to Loki and Thor, who seem to have their eyes closed. They cannot see what I see. My moment of galactic splendor is interrupted by my body landing somewhere totally unfamiliar. Thor stagers and holds onto a golden railing for support. Loki is on the ground and steadily stands. The room is quite interesting. It is a golden interieor dome, and in the center is a stage shaped stand where a tall man with gorgeous golden eyes stands. He has a magnificent sword in his hands, and he stands there unalarmed by our presents.
"This young maiden must be Sarah Jones." He says stoicly.
"And you must be Heimdall. What is it like?"
"Seeing the realms? It is but a gift that I gladly accept."
"It is a beautiful sight. You're gift is lovely."
"So is yours fair maiden." He smiles and looks at me. I know he is not really looking at my physical being because I can tell he is blind, but his inner sight is peering right into me. I can almost feel him looking through me. "Welcome to Asgard." He smiles.

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