My Suga

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Akari Pov

I've been at Karasuno for a few months now, and it's now half term. Finally!!! A whole week to not go to school!!!

I yawned and looked at the time.


Uh. I guess I'm gonna have to get up. Do something productive. Fun.

I put my dressing gown on and went downstairs. I walked to the living area and saw my Okãsan sitting on one of the sofa's. She was reading a magazine and looked up when she heard me.

"Good morning Sachi!!"

"Good morning Okãsan!!"

"I have news!!"


"Koushi is coming over in a few hours to have dinner with us all!!!"

"What!? Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?!?!?"

"I forgot."


She shrugged and I let out a small sigh. She was always like this, so why did I think for one second that she wouldn't be.

I rushed up the stairs and ran into my shower. After I finished I dried my hair and put on my favourite teal and white dress. I applied my makeup and left my hair like it normally is.

I walked downstairs and looked at the time.




"When is Koushi getting here?"

"Any minute now."

"Phew, I cut it close."

"Yes you did dear!!"

I smiled and sat down on the sofa next to my Okãsan. We waited for a few minutes, and finally the doorbell went.

Okãsan got up to answer and I followed her. When she opened the door, I saw Koushi with a huge smile, wearing black jeans, a cute shirt, AND A TIE.

He looks so cute....dammit.

"Hey Koushi!!!"

"Hey Sachi!!!"

We smiled at each other and he pulled me into a hug. He smelled of aftershave. I liked it.

Sugawara Pov

I pulled Sachi into a hug, and mentally sighed in happiness. I loved being close to her. It felt natural, and I loved it.

When I let her go, she looked up at me and smiled. She looks so beautiful today, her dress compliments her and her hair is as beautiful as normal.

It felt great to know that she's mine, and I'm happy that she feels the same way about me.

They invited me into the house and we sat down in the living area. I sat down next to Sachi and she put her hand on mine.

This is how things should be, and, she's going to be my wife.

I can't belive the time I was worried that I would have to meet her. The new future wife the stranger whom I would have to spend the rest of my life with.


Dinner seems to be going well so far, and I hope that Sachi's parents like me. They seem really nice, and I hope they realise how crazy I am about her.

Even though I haven't known her for very long, and I know this may sound stupid to some people, but I'm head over heels for her.

I think about her all the time, and wheneverI see her, I automatically smile.

Akari Pov

I'm so happy that things seem to be going well with Koushi and my parents are getting along.

Koushi means so much to me and I'm really happy that this is going well.

It's still wierd to think that he's my soon to be husband though.

Wait. When are we getting married???


Hey guys!!

Thanks for reading!!! :)

And please check out my other story :) :) :)

-Jess-chan ♡


My Suga!? Haikyuu X Sugawara KoushiWhere stories live. Discover now