Chapter Two

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"Where did he hit you and how many times this time" she asked as we drove to her house. "Here and here" I said pointing to both sides of my face. "One on each side" I said quietly.

"Did he punch you this time" she asked through her teeth. "No" was the last word anyone of us said until we got to her house.

We walked inside and I was greeted by her mom. I guess she saw the hand prints on my face cuz she said "I'm sorry he hit you honey stay as long as you'd like." She pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back. "Thanks Betty" I said after we pulled back.

"Your welcome hun... Wait what happened to you calling me mom" she said and looked offended but she smiled anyway.

She was the mom I never had. "Thanks mom" I smiled. "Your welcome. Dinner will be done in a couple minutes" she said and walked to the kitchen. Carter came in and hugged me. I blushed but hugged him back.

I've always had a small crush on Carter but no one knew not even Hazel. Well until now.... "I just thought you could use a hug" he said quietly. "Thank you Carter" I said just as quiet and he pulled away. "Wow he must of hit you good your face is really red" he said. "Ya but I'm fine" I said he nodded and walked away.

Hazel grabbed my hand after I grabbed my suit case and my backpack and drug me to her room. "You like my brother" she whisper yelled. "Urm... Kinda sorta maybe a little" I whispered back. "That's wrong in so many ways" she said and put her hands on her head. "I know it's just he's so amazing" I said dreamly.

"Eww" Hazel said with a disgusted face. "I don't think it's gross your dating Logan" I said playfully glaring at her. "Uh... Ya you do" she giggled. And I nodded "I do huh" I said.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in" Hazel said and Carter opened the door. "Dinner's done" he said and walked out closing the door behind him. "How can you like that" she asked pointing to the door. "Honestly I have no idea" I shrugged. She laughed shaking her head. "Let's go eat" she said opening the door.

"I'm not that hungry" I shrugged pulling out my phone pretending to be busy. She took my phone. "Your eating" she said and walked out. I followed her to the kitchen.

"Yay homemade pizza" Hazel said. "You don't like pizza though" I laughed sitting at the table next to her and in front of Carter. Betty brought us our plates and we started eating.

"So Mia how long has this been going on with your dad" Jacob their dad asked. "Since about 4 months before Tay died" I shrugged trying not to cry. "Tay tried to make him stop but it never helped" I said quietly.

"You know you can go to the police" Jacob said. "But I'm kinda scared. What if they don't believe me. My dad and mom are both cops so that wouldn't work" I said on the edge of tears.

"Jacob your gonna make the poor girl cry" Betty said. "No it's fine mom... Can I be exused" I said finishing the pizza. "Yes you may" Betty smiled at me. I stood up and walked to the sink to wash my plate.

"Hazel can I have my phone back I need to text Levi" I asked holding out my hand and she gave me my phone. I walked back to Cassidy's room.

I grabbed my backpack and unzipped it. I grabbed my binder and went to the math section. I heard Hazel's door open and close. I looked up and saw Hazel.

"Your doing math" she groaned. "Your such a nerd" she smiled at me as she laid on her bed. "Hey I have grades to keep up" I said looking at her. She rolled her eyes and I looked back at my paper.

"Haze help me" I said. "Go ask Carter I'm sleeping" she said pretending to sleep. I stood up and walked out of her room. I was looking down at my paper so I wasn't watching where I was going.

I bumped into someone and I looked up. "Aye watch where your going" Carter said smiling down at me. "I need you help with this... Can you help me" I asked handing him my paper.

"This is like 8th grade stuff" he laughed. "I've never understood that stuff. Mrs. Jackson wants me to learn so she's making me do this stuff" I explained. "Well base plus width time height" he said handing me the paper back.

"Ok... Thank you" I said and walked back to Hazel's room. "That was so embarrassing" I said quietly and she laughed. "I really hate you sometimes" I muttered. "Nope you love me" she said.

"I'll finish this tomorrow" I said putting everything on the floor and laying down. "Night Haze" I said quietly. "Night M" she said and I fell asleep scared my parents would find me.

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