Chapter Three

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"Hey lazy asses get up" Carter said "Three more hours" I mumbled. I heard Carter laugh. "I'll go get Starbucks.... What do you guys want" he asked.

"Three more hours of sleep" Hazel and I said at the same time. "Get up or I get the water" he said. I sat up and glared at him. "Go away or I'm going to" I trailed off "Throw this pen at you" I said holding up a pen. "Oooo I'm so scared" he said and held up his hands.

"Get up or you're gonna be late for school" he said and walked out. I laid back down and closed my eyes. Next thing I knew... "GET OUT OF BED" came out of a megaphone.

"Carter if we get up will you leave us alone" Hazel asked. "Um... I'll thing about it" he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice. I rolled over off the bed and landed on my feet. I stood up and glared at him. "There now you may leave" I said putting my hands on my hips.

Hazel got out of bed and pushed Carter out. "Now we have to get ready for school" Hazel said and I put my suit case on her bed. I opened it and pulled out a Asking Alexandria shirt and purple skinny jeans.

We changed into our school clothes and I put my combat boots on. I brushed my hair and used the mirror in Hazel's room to put mascara on.

"Now let's get breakfast" she said and we walked down to the kitchen. "What's with all the makeup M" Carter asked me. "I thought I would be one of those girls who wash off their whole face today" I smiled when he laughed.

I walked past him and to the counter. I grabbed a two pieces of bread and put them in the toaster and Hazel made her a bowl of cereal.

My toast popped up and I grabbed them and the butter. I put butter on both pieces and sat down at the table with them. "Careful butter makes you fat" Carter said to me.

"Carter go away" Hazel and I said at the same time again. "Ok ok I'm going I'm going" he said and walked into the other room. "How could you possibly like him" She whisper yelled.

"Shh he's gonna hear you" I whisper yelled back. "I'm gonna hear what" Carter asked walking back in. "Nothing" I said sort of quiet.

"So Carter who do you plan on taking to the dance" Hazel asked standing up to put her empty bowl in the sink. "That's for me to know and you to find out" he said and walked out with an apple.

I stood up and grabbed my backpack I brought down. "You ready" Hazel asked putting her backpack on. "As ready as I'll ever be" I said. She smiled and we walked out to her Jeep.

I unlocked my phone and saw 57 texts from my step dad and 123 texts from my mom. Most of them were the same "When you get home you won't see the light of day. EVER" those where basically just from my step dad. My mom sent me texts saying how Tay would be disappointed in me.

"I have to go home today" I said as we parked in the school parking lot. "What? Why" Hazel asked as we got out. "Because if I don't I'll make it worse" I shrugged. "Your turning 18 Friday so you can move out" she said as we walked to our lockers.

"How does it feel to be 18" I asked. Hazel's and Carter's birthday was two weeks ago. "Mmm it's just like being an adult" she smiled. I put my stuff in my locker.

"I'll see you in math" I told Hazel and walked to English which I had with Logan and Carter.

I opened the door and relized I was late. Everyone turned and looked at me. "Miss Jackson" Mr H said. "Why are you late" he asked looking at me. "Uh... I forgot my English homework in my locker" I lied.

"Very well have a seat" he said as I handed him my finished work. I took my assigned seat next to Carter and Mr H went back to teaching.

"You forgot your homework really" Carter whispered to me. "Yes everyone was staring at me" I whispered back and he laughed quietly.

"So I was wondering... If maybe you'd like to uh... Go to the dance with me Saturday" he asked quieter. I blushed and smiled. "Sure" I said then continued listening to what the teacher was saying.

I looked down and pulled out my phone careful not to let the teacher see it. And I texted Hazel

-Omg I have a date to the dance


-Meet me after class

I put my phone away. Then wrote some of the stuff that was on the board. "Oh and please don't tell Hazel I want it to be a surprise" he said.



Hey guys the picture is Mia. Also my sister has written a new book if you could go read it, it's called Belle and her Beast by ThousandNames.

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