Chapter Nine

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Carter nodded and grabbed my hand. We walked down the hall and I remembered something. "Wait... I forgot something" I said letting go of his hand. I ran back into my old room.

I laid on the floor by my bed. I smiled when I found it. I reached my arm under the bed and grabbed it. I stood back up with it in my hand. Carter looked at it and his fingers traced over the end of it.

"Your brothers football" he said quietly. I looked down at the ball smiling weakly. "Yea" I said just as quiet. "Mia I have to tell you something after we get back in the truck" he said just above a whisper.

He looked back up at me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. He smiled weakly at me. "Are you ok" I asked him slightly worried.

"Yep... But you're gonna hate me after I tell you" he said turning and walking out. I followed behind him my mind racing with thoughts.

I'm gonna hate him? Did he just want to marry me to make his sister mad? Was this whole thing a dare that Jake made with him? I mean... Carter and Jake have always sort of been friends.

The thoughts continued to race threw my head as we got in his truck. I buckled up and he turned the truck on. He sighed pulling it into drive. He slowly drove threw the neighborhood.

"Carter" I asked quietly. He glanced at me then back at the rode. " You remember the party your brother went to right" he asked as the light turned from yellow to red.

He looked at me. "Of course I remember... Worst day ever" I said mumbling the last part. I looked down and started playing with the ring on my finger. "I was the one who" he trailed off.

My head shot up. I looked at him worried. The light turned green and we started driving again. "The one who what Carter" I asked sternly.

He was the one that ran Tay's car into the semi?

"I was drunk and took the steering wheel from Tay" he said stopping in from of Nicholas' house. "No no no no no" I said pulling my hands threw my hair. "M I'm so sorry... I wish I could undo it" he said.

He's crying. He's crying trying to apologize to me again. But he killed him! My brother is dead because of him!

"Carter I... I can't be with you... At least not right now" I said getting out of the truck.

I ran up to the door crying for the hundredth time today. I opened the door and closed it. Sliding down the door. I wrapped my arms around my legs and put my forehead on my knees.

"Mia is that you" I heard Karen ask. "Yea" I said. She sat down next to me. "What's wrong? I thought you would be happy... You don't live with your family anymore. Your engaged to your best friends brother" she said.

I looked at her and she was smiling. "Carter killed him" I sobbed. Her smile dropped into a frown. She wrapped her arms around me. "He was drunk hun you can't hold that against him" she whispered.

"But I... I can't live with him knowing he did it" I sobbed. "Well we have a bedroom for you with a bed and a dresser already set up... Stay as long as you'd like" she said hugging me one more time before standing up.

"Thank you" I said standing up. "Is Nick here" I asked. "Yep in the game room" she said and I ran to the game room.

Carter's POV

I got back to my house and slammed the door shut. My mom ran in looking worried. "Mom I lost her" I said just above a whisper.

Tears continued to run down my face. "Awe come here" she said opening her arms. I walked over to her and hugged her. "What happened" she asked. "I told her who took the steering wheel from Tay" I sobbed quietly.

She rubbed my back and I tried to calm my breathing. Hazel walked in. "What happened" she asked as my mom let go of me. "I lost her haze I lost her" I said sitting down. I put my head in my hands and sobbed.

"You told her didn't you" she asked. I nodded my head slightly. "Did she give you the ring back" she asked. "No but..." I trailed off. "She might forgive you... Just give her some space... When she has a decision she'll come back" she said and smiled weakly at me.


The guy at the top is Carter btw.
Do you guys think Mia's gonna get back with Carter?
Run away and do her own thing?
Comment what you think


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