Chapter Eleven

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I woke up the next morning to mine and Carter's alarms going off. I rolled over and faced him. "Wanna just skip school today" he asked with his eyes still closed. "Sounds perfect" I said turning off our alarms.

"Carter time to... AHH" Hazel yelled. I blushed and hid my face under the blanket. "Did you Fuck my best friend" she asked loudly.

Thank god their parents aren't here I thought. "I may have" he said causally. She groaned and the door slammed. "She's gone" he said. "That was so embarrassing" I said smacking his arm.

"Ow" he giggled. "I changed my mind I'm going to school" I said standing up. I picked my clothes up off the floor and got dressed. I brushed my hair and put it in a high pony tail.

I applied mascara and eyeliner to my eyes and smiled. My smile dropped and I slowly turned to face Carter. "Did you use protection" I asked. "No... I thought you we're on the pill" he said and I sighed.

"Your not are you" he asked. I shook my head. "Well high school will be completely over in a month" he said and I nodded. "It can't become that viable in a month" I said turning to look back in the mirror.

I felt hands rest on my hips. "And I'll stay with you threw everything" he kissed the top of my head. I leaned back into him. "Carter get dressed and go to school with me" I said.

"Fine" he groaned walked to the bathroom that was connected to his room. I walked out and hugged Hazel. "Ew ew stop touching me... My brothers naked body was on you" she said.

I giggled "I love you haze."
"Yea love you too" she smiled. "Imma go make me some toast" I said before walking to the kitchen. "Make me some with vegemite please" she asked and I rolled my eyes.

*Skip to lunch*

I bought my food and sat at the table with my friends. I leaned my back against Carter. "Look it's the president of the attention whore club" Jake laughed looking at me.

"Jake leave her" Carter groaned. "Are you her boyfriend... I swear she has a new one every day" he laughed. That's when it happened. I stood up and threw a punch hard enough to knock him down.

"You hit like a girl" he groaned in pain. "Says the one laying on the ground bleeding" I said and looked at his friends. "Anyone else" I asked. "Yea let's go" A guy with black hair and hazel eyes said.

"The football field right after school" he said. "I don't play ball that when" I said. "That proves we're better than you" he said and turned around. "How about... Football field Friday at 5" I asked.

"Then it's a date" he smiled and I rolled my eyes. They walked away and I sat back down. "You know he only does that cuz he likes you" Levi said. "We'll he doesn't anymore" I shrugged.

I finished eating and laid against Carter. "Shit guys I have to go retake a test in English" I said standing up. "Why" Logan asked. "Cuz I totally failed it" I smiled before walking away. "Bye guys" I waved before walking out.

I ran Mrs. Menlez's room. I walked in slowly. "Sorry I'm late... Can I still retake it" I asked. She looked up at me and sighed. "Your father is in the office" she said quietly. "Like... Derek" I asked panicking slightly.

"I'm sorry hun" she said. Mrs. Menlez was the only teacher I told about my family problems.

"Mrs. M I can't go with him again" I said starting to cry. "Mia you have to... You're not 18 yet" she said. I shook my head and ran out. My vision went blurry and I ran into someone. Making me fall to the floor.

I wiped my eyes and looked up at the person I ran into. "Jake" I asked. "Why don't you watch were you're going" he asked with an attitude. "Why do you have to be such a dick" I asked.

His hard glare softened as I stood up. "I'm sorry" he said quietly looking away. "Whatever" I muttered before looking down the hall. I saw Derek and my heart started beating faster.

"Jake you have to help me please" I almost begged looking from him to Derek. "Mia Elizabeth get over here" Derek said walking toward us. I looked back at Jake.

"Please help me get away from him" I asked again this time tears escaped again.

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