Chapter Eight

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I stared down at him smiling. I was crying again but this time I wasn't ashamed. "Yes, yes a million times yes" I cried. He smiled and stood back up. He wrapped his arms around me picking me up. He spun me around and kissed me.

He set me back on my feet. He pull back and slid the ring on my finger. "Wait guys I didn't agree to this" Hazel said standing next to us. "Babe don't ruin the moment" Logan said.

"Levi can you post that to all of my social medias" Carter asked Levi. "Sure thing" Levi said before walking back into Nicholas' house. "Wait... Was he recording the whole time" I asked Carter.

"Yep" he smiled down at me with his arms wrapped around my waist. "Cater that's terrible" I pouted. He laughed lightly and kissed me nose.

"Mia Elizabeth let's go now" I heard the voice of my step dad behind me. I cringed and Carter pulled me towards him. "Sir she is no longer your daughter" Nick said and I looked at him weird.

"I got proof of what you've done to her and I went to a judge with my mom... The judge signed full custody over to my parent" He explained and my step dad glared at him.

"Which means Mia is now my sister" he smiled at me. "They can't do that" my step dad said lowly. "Oh but honey... They did" Karen Nick's mom said walking out of the house holding a white paper.

My step dad walked over to her and took the paper from her to read it. "Dammit" he muttered. "Now Derek Mia is gonna go back to your house to get her stuff" Karen said smiling at me and Carter.

She took the paper back from him. Derek turned and glared at me and Carter. "You have until midnight to get everything you want out" he said before stomping back to his convertible.

"See Angel I told you something good would happen" Carter said. I looked up at him and stood on my toes to kiss him. "I love you Carter" I mumbled wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I love you to my Angel" he said and I smiled. "Ok you can stop with you couple stuff now" Hazel groaned covering her eyes.

"Ok we're done" I laughed. Then right before she uncovered her eyes I kissed Carter. She walked up to us and pulled our faces apart.

"Just because you're my brother doesn't mean you don't get the lecture" she separated us and stood right in front of Carter.

I wrapped my arms around her and put my chin on her sholder. "If you hurt her in anyway I swear to all things holly, I will cut off your dick and staple it to your forehead so you can see how big of a dick you are" she glared at him.

"I don't plan on hurting her ever" he smiled at her and I turned my head so I saw the side of Hazel's head. She sighed "Ok I give you permission to marry my best friend."

"Yay" I whispered. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. We both started laughing. I hugged her and she hugged me back. "Thank you" I said quietly. "Your welcome M" she said just as quiet.

She pulled away from our hug, her hands still on my arms. "Who are you gonna live with" she asked looking panicked. "If we put all of our money that we've all saved we could just live together for a while" Levi said.

"And that sounds like a perfect idea" I pointed at him then turned back to Hazel.

"What the hell... Let's do it" she smiled. "We should go get your stuff now" Carter whispered in my ear. "Ok we'll be back in an hour or so" I said as Carter interlaced our fingers.

We walked to his truck and got in. "How didn't I notice this when I first got here" I asked smiling at him. "Honestly love I don't know" he smiled back at me and we drove down the street.

We pulled up to my mother's house and got out. We knocked and she opened the door. She pulled me into a hug. When she relized I wasn't gonna hug her back she let go of me.

"I'm sorry I failed at being a mom" she cried. "Please don't move out" she said trying to hug me again. I moved back. "We're just here to get her stuff" Carter said.

She nodded letting us in. We walked back to my room and moved out everything but my bed and dresser. I walked to Tay's room while Carter took the last few things out.

I walked around his room and took some of his shirts and some of his pictures. "I love you Tay" I mumbled as a tear ran down my face. "Please be proud" I said looking around his room.

"He is" Carter said wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled and shut the door. "Ready" he asked. "More then you know" I said.

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