Chapter Seven

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"Please" he asked again. "Carter I can't I'm causing you so many problems" I said pulling a hand threw my hair. "Mia Elizabeth Thompson please get in the car" he said "Tell Hazel I love her" I said.

"M get in the car" he said and his eyes started watering. "I love you Carter" I said and a tear fell down his face. "I love you too" he said. I put my phone in his truck and ran back into the trees so he couldn't see which way I was running.

You're really doing this?
Atleast you told him the truth before you left.
You're still an idiot.

I stopped 2 miles away from Carters truck. I sat down on a tree stump. I pulled my knees to my face and put my head on my knees. "I left them" I said quietly.
"What in the world was I thinking" I asked a little louder.

"You we're worried that ok" Someone said and I looked up. I saw an old man with long gray hair and green eyes. He wore a Nirvana shirt and red basketball shorts with basic white shoes.

I moved back a little. "Who are you" I asked. "I'm Zachary Reid" he said sticking hand out for me to shake. "Mia Thompson" I shook his hand. "Can I sit here" he asked pointing to the stump next to me.

"Yeah sure" I said and he sat down. "So who did you leave" he asked. "My boyfriend and my best friend... Who I've known for like 13 years" I said shaking my head.

"Why did you leave them" he asked and I sighed. "If you don't wanna talk about it I understand... I mean I'm a random old guy" he smiled and I giggled. "No I'll tell you... since I basically have no friends now" I said the last part quieter.

"My brother died like a year ago, he was my best friend and my twin. My dad left my mom when me and my brother where two. My mom blames me for his death. My step dad abuses me so I run to their house. My best friend and my boyfriend our siblings. But my boyfriend told me he wouldn't let them hurt me and they did and..." I trailed off.

"I lost them and it's all my fault" I said as a tear ran down my face. "Hey don't cry if they were really meant to be in your life you'll find them again" he said. "Thank you... For listening to me" I smiled weakly at him.

"No problem hun" he smiled. "I have an extra bedroom in my house about a mile from here if you need a place to crash" he said standing up.

"No I'm gonna go to one of my other friends house" I said. "Ok well... Take care young lady" he said. "You too" I said before running the way I was running before.

I soon found the road and ran alongside it. Before I knew it I was on Nick's front porch. I walked up to the door and knocked. "Mia" he asked after opening it.

"Nick I need somewhere to sleep for the night... Can I stay here" I asked. He walked closer and wrapped his arms around me. "Carter told me you were gone... And you weren't coming back" he said and I pushed him away.

"Please tell me he's not here" I said. "We're all here" Levi said as he walked out of the house. "Guys... I can't be here" I said slowly backing away. "Wait Carter has something to ask of you" Logan said sounding like a business man.

I stopped walking. "If it's... Can you leave and not come back... Then I can do that... It won't be that hard I'll just hurry and go to my house get my car go to your house get my stuff" I rambled on looking at the ground.

When I looked back up Carter was standing right in front of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "I love you Mia Elizabeth Thompson more then anything in this world" he said.

"Well then" I heard Hazel mumble and I giggled. Carter pulled away from me and got on one knee. "Carter? What are you doing" I asked him.

"I know it's a terrible time and we've only been together for like two days. But I've loved you since day one. When I hear you laugh or giggle it lights up my day. When I find out you go a week without eating or that you cut again it's... Terrible just terrible. Mia I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be the one at the end of the aisle waiting for you. I want to be the one who wears converse under her wedding dress" he said and I giggled and by know I was crying.

"Mia will you marry me" he asked holding up a black diamond ring.

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